package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; /** * Super simple implementation of Paypal for Digital Goods - Express Checkout API * Java NVP (name-value pairs) implementation (July 1012 version 69.0) * * Using API and code samples from: * * * * * * Usage: * When user presses a "Buy" button on your site: * PayPalManager.startPurchase(2, 5, "Dapper Hat", A virtual item in the game Incredipede", "1.00", response); * When user returns to RETURN_URL after authenitcating purchase on Paypal's website: * String token = request.getParameter("token"); * int userId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("userId")); * int itemId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("itemId")); * // first check the status on paypal's system and make sure purchase is for reals * String payerId = PayPalManager.validateDetails(token, userId, itemId); * // next perform the purchase on your system to make sure it succeeds * ... * // finally take the user's money * try { * PayPalManager.finishPurchase(token, payerId, userId, itemId, "Dapper Hat", * A virtual item in the game Incredipede", "1.00"); * } catch (Exception e) { * // roll back the purchase on your system * ... * } * * @author Sarah Northway */ public class PayPalManager { // production creds // protected static String API_USERNAME = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // protected static String API_PASSWORD = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // protected static String API_SIGNATURE = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // protected static String API_URL = ""; // protected static String REDIRECT_URL = ""; // sandbox creds protected static String API_USERNAME = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; protected static String API_PASSWORD = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; protected static String API_SIGNATURE = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; protected static String API_URL = ""; protected static String REDIRECT_URL = ""; /** User will return to this page after the sale is successful */ protected static String RETURN_URL = "; /** User will return here if they hit the cancel button during purchase */ protected static String CANCEL_URL = "; protected final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PayPalManager.class.getName()); /** * Step 1: SetExpressCheckout * * The first step of Express Checkout for Digital Goods: send a SetExpressCheckout * request to PayPal and receive a token in response. Redirect the user to Paypal, * then wait for their return through either the returnUrl or cancelUrl. * * As of version 69.0, digital payments must set L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital, * must specify NOSHIPPING=1 and REQCONFIRMSHIPPING=0, * must use both AMT and ITEMAMT, and must have exactly one * payment (PAYMENTREQUEST_0_[...]) and one item (L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_[...]0). * * * @param userId The user's unique id in our system * @param itemId The unique id in our system for the thing being bought * @param itemName Shown in paypal as the name of the thing being bought eg "Dapper hat" * @param itemDescription Shown in paypal beneath the item name eg "A virtual item in the game Incredipede" * @param itemPriceDollars String price in USD must include decimal and two digits after eg "10.00" */ public static void startPurchase (int userId, int itemId, String itemName, String itemDescription, String itemPriceDollars, HttpServletResponse resp) { // include the userId and itemId in the return urls so we can access them later String returnUrl = encodeValue(RETURN_URL + "&userId=" + userId + "&itemId=" + itemId); String cancelUrl = encodeValue(CANCEL_URL + "&userId=" + userId + "&itemId=" + itemId); String data = "METHOD=SetExpressCheckout" + getAuthenticationData() + "&REQCONFIRMSHIPPING = 0" + "&NOSHIPPING = 1" + "&ALLOWNOTE = 0" + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=Sale" + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=USD" + getPurchaseData(userId, itemId, itemName, itemDescription, itemPriceDollars) + "&RETURNURL=" + returnUrl + "&CANCELURL=" + cancelUrl + ""; // tell paypal we want to start a purchase HashMap results = doServerCall(data); // forward the user on to payapal's site with the token identifying this transaction try { String token = results.get("TOKEN"); String redirectUrl = resp.encodeRedirectURL(REDIRECT_URL + "&token=" + token);"Sending user to paypal: " + redirectUrl); resp.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to open PayPal link: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Step 2: GetExpressCheckoutDetails * * Second step, performed when the user returns from paypal to validate the transaction * details. If we cared about shipping info, the user's name etc it would be fetched here. * Throws an exception if userId or purchase details don't match paypal's values, or if * there's a problem with the purchase itself. * * * @param token The token created and returned by Paypal in step 1 (from the return url) * @param userId The user's unique id in our system (from the return url) * @param itemId The unique id in our system for the thing being bought (from the return url) * @return Returns the user's paypal PayerId for use in the last step */ public static String validateDetails(String token, int userId, int itemId) { String data = "METHOD=GetExpressCheckoutDetails" + getAuthenticationData() + "&TOKEN=" + encodeValue(token) + ""; HashMap results = doServerCall(data); int resultsUserId = Integer.parseInt(results.get("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM")); if (resultsUserId != userId) { throw new RuntimeException("UserId does not match."); } int resultsItemId = Integer.parseInt(results.get("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM")); if (resultsItemId != itemId) { throw new RuntimeException("ItemId does not match."); } String payerId = results.get("PAYERID"); if (payerId == null || payerId.trim().length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Payment has not been initiated by the user."); } return payerId; } /** * Step 3: DoExpressCheckoutPayment * * Completes the payment that has already been started and authorized by the user * via the paypal website. Requires passing in purchase information again. * * * @param userId The user's unique id in our system * @param itemId The unique id in our system for the thing being bought * @param itemName Shown in paypal as the name of the thing being bought eg "Dapper hat" * @param itemDescription Shown in paypal beneath the item name eg "A virtual item in the game Incredipede" * @param itemPriceDollars String price in USD must include decimal and two digits after eg "10.00" */ public static void finishPurchase(String token, String payerId, int userId, int itemId, String itemName, String itemDescription, String itemPriceDollars) { try { String data = "METHOD=DoExpressCheckoutPayment" + getAuthenticationData() + "&TOKEN=" + encodeValue(token) + "&PAYERID=" + encodeValue(payerId) + getPurchaseData(userId, itemId, itemName, itemDescription, itemPriceDollars) + ""; HashMap results = doServerCall(data); // warn if transaction type isn't completed or on the way to completed String status = results.get("PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"); if (status == null || !(status.equalsIgnoreCase("Completed") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("In-Progress") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("Processed") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("Completed-Funds-Held"))) { ActionHandler.log.warning("Unexpected paypal purchase status: " + status + " for userId=" + userId + ", paypal payerId=" + payerId + ", transaction=" + results.get("PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID")); } // must rollback purchase if anything happens here, so make sure we catch them all } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Return the name-value-pair parameters required for SetExpressCheckout and * DoExpressCheckoutPayment steps. * * @param userId The user's unique id in our system * @param itemId The unique id in our system for the thing being bought * @param itemName Shown in paypal as the name of the thing being bought eg "Dapper hat" * @param itemDescription Shown in paypal beneath the item name eg "A virtual item in the game Incredipede" * @param itemPriceDollars String price in USD must include decimal and two digits after eg "10.00" */ protected static String getPurchaseData(int userId, int itemId, String itemName, String itemDescription, String itemPriceDollars) { return "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT=" + itemPriceDollars + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT=" + itemPriceDollars + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC=" + itemDescription + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM=" + userId + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_INVNUM=" + itemId + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=" + itemName + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0=" + itemDescription + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0=" + itemPriceDollars + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0=" + 1 + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital" + ""; } /** * Return the name-value-pair parameters required for all paypal api calls * to authenticate the seller account. */ protected static String getAuthenticationData() { return "&VERSION=69.0" + "&USER=" + API_USERNAME + "&PWD=" + API_PASSWORD + "&SIGNATURE=" + API_SIGNATURE + ""; } /** * Send off the given data to PayPal's API and return the result in key-value pairs. * Validate the ACK return value from paypal and throw an exception if it isn't "Success". */ protected static HashMap doServerCall (String data) {"Sending data to paypal: " + data); String response = ""; try { URL postURL = new URL(API_URL); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)postURL.openConnection(); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setConnectTimeout(3000); conn.setReadTimeout(7000); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()); output.writeBytes(data); output.flush(); output.close(); // Read input from the input stream. int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { throw new RuntimeException("Error " + responseCode + ": " + conn.getResponseMessage()); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream())); String line = null; while(((line = reader.readLine()) !=null)) { response = response + line; } reader.close(); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); }"Got response from paypal: " + response); if(response.length() <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Received empty response"); } HashMap results = parsePaypalResponse(response); // first check for the new version (PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK) String ackString = results.get("PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK"); if (ackString == null || !(ackString.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || ackString.equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) { String errorCode = results.get("PAYMENTINFO_0_ERRORCODE"); String errorLongMsg = results.get("PAYMENTINFO_0_LONGMESSAGE"); if (errorCode != null && errorCode.trim().length() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Purchase Failed (code " + errorCode + "): " + errorLongMsg); } // sometimes API returns old version ACK instead of PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK ackString = results.get("ACK"); if (ackString == null || !(ackString.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || ackString.equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) { errorCode = results.get("L_ERRORCODE0"); errorLongMsg = results.get("L_LONGMESSAGE0"); throw new RuntimeException("Purchase Failed (code " + errorCode + "): " + errorLongMsg); } } return results; } /** * Parse results from PayPal to a map of name/value pairs. Their format looks like: * "TOKEN=EC%2d80X519901R8632201&TIMESTAMP=2012%2d07%2d13T09%3a57%3a44Z&ACK=Success" */ protected static HashMap parsePaypalResponse (String data) { HashMap results = new HashMap(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(data, "&"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { StringTokenizer tokenizer2 = new StringTokenizer(tokenizer.nextToken(), "="); if (tokenizer2.countTokens() != 2) { continue; } String key = decodeValue(tokenizer2.nextToken()); String value = decodeValue(tokenizer2.nextToken()); results.put(key.toUpperCase(), value); } return results; } /** * Prepare a given string for transmission via HTTP. Spaces become %20, etc. */ protected static String encodeValue(String value) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } /** * Undo encoding of string that was sent via HTTP. %20 becomes a space, etc. */ protected static String decodeValue(String value) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } }