Author: Sarah Northway

  • Aaaaah – it’s beautiful!

    We’ll post a pic at some point – Colin would like to thank the Scottish Inspector of Ancient Monuments for taking pictures to use in the design of the ring. Colin spent ages getting this thing just right, and it is absolutely perfect. Asymmetric too – how cool! He gave it to me while we watched the sun set near fisherman’s wharf, then we went out for beers at the Rogue brewpub. A great little trip so far.

    Yes I am in town for an interview. I’m not positive of my chances though and it may be the first job I’ve ever actually really wanted, so I’m trying hard not to jinx things or get my hopes too far up. I’ll tell you all about it later.

  • San Fran

    We in San Fran the city of… bridges?

    For those of you who aren’t in this particular fairly tight loop Sarah has a job interview here! I’m not going to say with who because it might be a secret. I’m pretty sure it’s not a secret but whatever. This is easier than asking.

    Also. Don’t tell Sarah but I’m finally going to give her the engagement ring tonight at dinner! It’s a very special, custom made lump of gold and carbon. I can’t stop looking at it myself.

    More updates when there’s something to update!

  • And We’re Back

    And the Apes abroad are no longer Abroad.

    That probably signals the death knell for this livejournal account but mabey not. We’ll see.

    It’s been fun! Looking foreward to catching up with everyone in person soon!


  • Commin’ Home

    Plane booked.

    Landing next thursday in Nanaimo. Then we’ll wander around the province for a month or two and then pick a city to live in and start looking for work.

    Have to admit I’m looking foreward to comming home.


  • Takaragawa Onsen

    Onsen Room
    Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

    Never got to mention the onsen we visited a few weeks ago because I kept trying to fit all its awesomeness into phrase and couldn’t. Well let me spit it out: it was, awesome. The Takaragawa Onsen is supposedly one of the most beautiful and large outdoor hotsprings in Japan, and co-ed which is unusual. It was more breathtaking and romantic than I’d imagined it could be.

    We were set up in the old building pictured here, with a rushing river all around our corner room. We donned yukatas for two days and drank tea in oldtimey Japanese surroundings. Were treated to the most extraordinary dinner of our lives – so many courses we couldn’t count them all, many of them needing to be cooked or wrapped or dipped or in some way prepared, so it was as entertaining as it was delicious. Breakfast was a similar traditional feast, and we tried natto for the first time.

    Okay, and so, the onsen: up in the mountains away from everything, forest and trees all around, and a rushing river a few feet away. The four pools could comfortably fit 15-20 people each, but it’s just us and a couple of old guys with season’s passes. Carved out of rock, decorated with stone statues and wooden pavilions. We stayed in until midnight then came out again after breakfast.

    The onsen’s theme was bears, because there were supposedly a lot around (we were given sticks with bells on them to use when hiking), and because they had a caged area with a few of the little black bears in it. We met a little 2 month old bearling as he was being let out to romp around the place. He was so excited he could hardly walk on all those floppy legs. They let the bears bathe in the pools sometimes, even.

    So, a wonderful time was had. It was so romantic even that Colin proposed to me – yay! We’re going to get married! At some point! :)

    Look, I’m wearing my yukata backwards in this shot and drinking my tea with only one hand. Don’t worry, I figured things out eventually. ^_^