Colin just left for his first kiteboarding lesson. I know we worked together and did… basically everything together back in Victoria, but somehow we never seemed to spend as much time together as we have been here. Could be because we’ve been basically alone together so far. We’ve met a lot of friendly people, but many of them are just visiting for a short time. Honestly, I kind of like it so far. :) We’ve been asked a few times if we’re on a honeymoon or romantic getaway, and it does kind of feel like that sometimes. :)

I’m uploading a few more pictures from Chaloklum and Haad Mae Haad. Did I mention our bungalo came with cats as well as pet-sized spiders? Friendly, drowsy, skinny little cats who slept on our bed and on the deck when we were out there. Like most of the pets around here, they seemed to enjoy our presence but weren’t terribly excited about being petted.

There are a lot of dogs here, and as most aren’t spayed or neutered, a lot of puppies too. There is a black dog we see on the beach a lot who goes by the name of Gypsy.. I’m going to get some dog cookies and see if I can’t woo her up onto our patio. :)


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