We have a place to live!


It’s humble but it’s a great location. It’s a fairly large studio appartment with hardwood floors a view of the inner courtyard.

What really sells it though is it’s location. It’s right on the end of Haight street across the street from golden gate park.

Turns out Haight Ashbury is the place. We really wanted to live downtown within walking distance to Sarah’s work (I’m still looking) but it was hard to find a place we really liked. South beach was the best downtown but it was pretty touristy and not real functional.

Then we ended up checking out haight Ashbury. Aunt Diane said it was cool and it was the centre of the beat movement way back when (actually the beats started in south beach and ran out of room). Then it became the centre of the hippy movement in san francisco. But as soon as we wandered down Height it was pretty clear that this was the place for us. It feels alot like Victoria. All around San Francisco we kept wondering where the clothing places were that _we_ could buy clothes at. Downtown it’s hard to find a place that isn’t gucci or macy’s or in some way owned by the mediocre giants of the fassion industry.

Great coffee places and a ton of restaurants make it remind me of Comercial st. in Van. There are three bike shops within 4 blocks. One of which is next door. It’s just a really nice place to be. So Sarah’s gonna have to do the 1/2 hour bus trip to and from work every day. When I find work I’m going to ride. I’m so keen on getting a nice road bike. The bikes in this city are really really cool.

And yes there is a brew pub on Haight and Mason, easy stumbling distance from home. Called the Magnolia we’ve already been four times. They have some really good beer. Standouts are their very hoppy High Time Harvest which is very beer-fest 2007 and their fruity, floury Red Rose which is very beer-fest 2006. We were chatting to our waitress and she welcomed us to the area and talked about how she wanted to move to Victoria.

Oh wait yeah. I was going to mention, alot of people jokingly said we’d better have a place big enough to put them up when they visit. So by _not_ having a place that big we save easily enough money every month to put you up in a hotel instead :)

Althogh for those of you who really aren’t picky the floor will still be available. Asuming Sarah doesn’t mind.