Category: Uncategorized

  • Takaragawa Onsen

    Onsen Room
    Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

    Never got to mention the onsen we visited a few weeks ago because I kept trying to fit all its awesomeness into phrase and couldn’t. Well let me spit it out: it was, awesome. The Takaragawa Onsen is supposedly one of the most beautiful and large outdoor hotsprings in Japan, and co-ed which is unusual. It was more breathtaking and romantic than I’d imagined it could be.

    We were set up in the old building pictured here, with a rushing river all around our corner room. We donned yukatas for two days and drank tea in oldtimey Japanese surroundings. Were treated to the most extraordinary dinner of our lives – so many courses we couldn’t count them all, many of them needing to be cooked or wrapped or dipped or in some way prepared, so it was as entertaining as it was delicious. Breakfast was a similar traditional feast, and we tried natto for the first time.

    Okay, and so, the onsen: up in the mountains away from everything, forest and trees all around, and a rushing river a few feet away. The four pools could comfortably fit 15-20 people each, but it’s just us and a couple of old guys with season’s passes. Carved out of rock, decorated with stone statues and wooden pavilions. We stayed in until midnight then came out again after breakfast.

    The onsen’s theme was bears, because there were supposedly a lot around (we were given sticks with bells on them to use when hiking), and because they had a caged area with a few of the little black bears in it. We met a little 2 month old bearling as he was being let out to romp around the place. He was so excited he could hardly walk on all those floppy legs. They let the bears bathe in the pools sometimes, even.

    So, a wonderful time was had. It was so romantic even that Colin proposed to me – yay! We’re going to get married! At some point! :)

    Look, I’m wearing my yukata backwards in this shot and drinking my tea with only one hand. Don’t worry, I figured things out eventually. ^_^

  • Dotonbori

    Yeah. Osaka.

    We spent the day downtown around Dotonbori. Which is the famous place to be in Osaka. Seems like you can sum up different parts of Osaka as being ‘like such and such a place in greater tokyo but less so’. Dotonburi is like Shinjuku but less so. Which means it’s full of bright lights, pachinko parlours, shops, restaurants and a bunch of strip clubs.

    Well shinjuku doesn’t really have shops or restaurants. But that’s why everything in Oskaka is ‘less so’. Because it’s all more balanced.

    The food is definitely better. Cheaper, tastier, easier to access. One of my major gripes about Tokyo and especially Kyoto was the food. Osaka is much better. Actually it’s famous in Japan for food and is considered the countries ‘stomach’. There’s a saying that goes ‘dress till you drop in Kyoto and eat till you drop in Osaka’ referring to the popular passtime of visiting historic sites in Kyoto wearing Kimonos.

    I would say Osaka’s food obsession brings it up to par with an average north american city. Not for breadth mind you. There are probably 8 types of restaurants instead of Tokyo’s 4.

    Yeah so I forgot the camera today so no pics but google the ‘glico man’ and you’ll be good. Actually the one picture I really wanted was the sign advertising the ‘new style masturbation rooms’. Someone got a little too literal in their translating.

    We went to see the new die hard because I wanted to see a movie. They went to the trouble to have two crashed cars, one on top of the other, riddled with bullet holes outside the theatre. I figure that kind of effort deserves some payback. Turns out it doesn’t open for a few days so we ended up seeing The 300.

    Hated the message. Not real into lionizing pointless sacrifices. But I can love a movie and hate its message (signs springs to mind). I really like it when movies really crank up the fantasy nob. It’s a movie. It doesn’t have to be plausible. It doesn’t have to be realistic. I don’t know why there are so few fantastic (as in fantasy not as in great) films.

    Hero leaps immediately to mind as a movie that accomplished this best. Total fantasy, totally great. And perhapse city of lost children played up the fantasy best while maintaining some kind of applicable to real life basic theme.

    Anyway horray for a movie that cranks that nob. Even if the message was crap, the dialogue mostly sucked, and there was an under-emphasis on plot and characters. It looked great and felt great. I defy anyone to watch the introduction of whosit-the-evil-god-king being tramped up on his briliant art deco slave-powered throne and not cream their pants.

    Not since The Cell have I so enjoyed such a bad movie. Also the theatre was rediculous with the sound which really added. The 300 is definitely best seen in as loud a theatre as possible.

    Anyway then we wandered around Dotonbori again. Hit up a Chococro and called it a night. Back to the Banana House. Fingers crossed… yay noone stole our laptops.

    So yeah. Osaka ain’t really doin it for us. There are some cool things in the vecinity. Some hiking to do and some castles to visit. We’ll probably be hopping a flight back home a little earlier than planned.

    See you all soonish.


  • Osaka

    So we in Osaka now for the last month abroad.

    We said goodbye to all the guys at the gaming group in Tokyo, packed all our stuff, and lugged the kitebag and everything through 4 trains and 6 hours to Osaka.

    We have arrived at the ‘banana house’ where we’ll be staying. And good god. It’s like squatting in an abandoned building. There’s graffitti all over teh walls, one slimy kitechen for the whole 4 story complex, chipped dirty tiles, and well… just a general feeling of disheveled abandonedeness. I can actually hear the neighbours talking quietly in the next room.

    So we’re looking foreward to exploring the bits of Osaka that aren’t here.

  • Tokyo Tower and Donkey’s and some more riding the train

    On the Train
    Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

    We saw our touriestiest thing yet today: Tokyo Tower. It was like… seven tourist activities in one, and we did as many of them as we could reasonably handle. It is kind of a cool structure, and the observatory had glass bits in the floor where you could look down onto all the red steel bars and whatnot. Also one of the tourist exhibits on the fourth floor was a hologram gallery and there’s no arguing with holograms.

    We found a place with an exotic menu of Belgian beers, then headed back to Shinjuku for $3 udon tempura from our new favorite noodle place. It’s down a crowded alley near the station, and even at nine o’clock people were lined up to eat at one of the half dozen stools. We slurped down our meals in less than five minutes then wandered out in search of coffee.

    After coffee we wandered into then got lost in a Donkihote. It’s a real shopping experience: narrow aisles wandering through a maze of neverending light and sound and product; little monitors everywhere playing demonstrations and/or bizarre music videos. Fridges, Gucci handbags, DS games, tents, sex toys, cat food, TVs, tazers and beer. It’s no wonder Wallmart hasn’t been successful here; Donkey’s has that niche filled buthow.

    We stopped to look at the $2000 kittens in a pet shop next door, then wandered down a long street lined with what I gather were male host bars. They were all called “Lady’s” something and featured headshots of young gigolo-haired guys. We gawked some more until midnight and the last train approached, and we had to head back or prepare to sleep at a Manboo (an Internet Cafe with private cubicles and recliners – I hear some people live in them).

    So, another typical Tokyo day. Yesterday we were visited by thunderstorms; tomorrow we’ll probably chill out here and do whatever. We’re down to just two ghostly roommates in this big quiet building, but it’s set to fill up again soon I think.

  • Magico

    Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

    Punchpunchpunch it’s three posts in a row!

    We’re still going to the Magic group gatherings on Wednesdays, playing Time Spiral/Future Sight sealed decks. Time Spiral is probably the best set possible for me to get back into Magic, as it’s all about bringing back mechanics and flavour from oldschool sets. They even reprinted a bunch of cards with the old (better) card style. Future Sight on the other hand is full of cards with a new (also better) card style that are supposedly from sets yet to be released. Most of them are pretty lame: lots of tribal junk, silly new keywords and dumb mechanics like enchantments that are also creatures. At least they do seem to understand what we liked about past sets. In Time Spiral they even reprinted Merieke Ri Berit, one of my favorite cards from back in Ice Age.

    At the last gathering I joined in on a four person draft of the WoW card game, which I’d never played before. It was pretty easy to catch on, as it’s a lot like Magic but simpler… too simple I think. The game revolves around your avatar or hero or whatever, who determines which side (Horde vs Alliance) all your creatures have to come from, and what subset (1 of ~6 classes) of other cards you can use. So, there seems to be much less flexibility in building decks. On the plus side it uses the mana system of letting you flip over any card to use as a land. You could more or less sum the rest up in a Magic card:

    Wowize   –   Enchantment   –   3UUU
    All creatures have: pay 0: this is unblockable except by walls.
    All creatures gain Provoke.
    When a creature is assigned as a blocker, tap it.
    Every attack phase in which at least one creature attacks is followed by another attack phase.
    Damage on creatures does not heal at end of turn.

    Yeah, I know they aren’t called walls anymore, now they’re “creatures with Defender”. What was wrong with walls, guys?