Delightful Mexican Foode

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Deli’s we miss you!
Oh, totally unrelated to the last post, but last night we met a nice guy named Kelly who works at Deli’s South in Nanaimo. Small goddamn world indeed! He told us of the latest developments with the giant hole in the downtown core and we commiserated on the terrible lack of city planning.

Now I really, really want a Deli’s wrap.

We visited an excellent mexican restaurant in Thongsala last week called Ando Loco’s. I had a real beef enchilada with amazingly yum fresh salsa, and a delicious drink called a Caipirinha made with actual Brazilian Cachasa (which I’d never had before – I thought it tasted like something between white rum and tequila).

Like the sushi on Samui, the meal reminded us both of home and Victoria’s incredible selection of restaurants. The Brits up the street can keep their custard and mushy peas; I’ll have a taco, some kimchi, dolmades, ooh or an indian curry…