Flywrench: great game or greatest game?
Flywrench is a game by Mark Essen who also wrote one of my other favorite games: You Found the Grappling Hook
It is artistically sublime.
The music by Jordan Stone is among my favorite tracks to a game ever. Along with the writing and the graphical style this makes Flywrench a game that will reach into your head and caress your brain.
It has surprising depth. The existing levels barely scratch the surface of what’s possible, so the included level editor makes a ton of sense. There is a steepish learning curve but it feels really good learning to manouver and hurl the Flywrench through harder and more dynamic environs. By the end of the game you can feel the depths of possiblity open before you.
Mark Essen should really get this on xBox live and earn some cash off of it. It’s amazing.
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