
Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

Yay we have a living room.

Sorry it took me forever to write this.

We also have a kitchen table. We were trying to avoid ikea because we’ve both pretty much only ever had ikea furniture. But now we’re young professionals! Time for a change!

So pretty much everything you see in that shot is from ikea.

Except the cofee table. I made that.

The big challenge has been finding a couch we like. We wanted something low to the ground and modern in design. So simple, clean lines. We also wanted something that didn’t cost 4000$.

We ended up wandering around the (fairly vast) furniture district of San Francisco looking for our dream couch. We found two suitable sofa’s but they were both priced rediculously. We also started reading a couple furniture design blogs because they’re neat. So that further refined our desires. ( is really cool)

So we gave up and decided to try ikea. We also hadn’t found a simple kitchen table and we knew we could find that at ikea.

We had seen one of their couches on their website and thought it looked cool. But when we got there it was really cheap and flexy. Then we found this couch. And the key was realising we could just not put the legs on and we’d have our low-slung tokyo-style couch.

So we got our couch! Yay! And that rug. Ikea’s rug selection is bigger than anyone else’s and they cost from 1/2 to a tenth as much.

And our simple kitchen table with chairs. And a corner desk. Which was cheap but is pretty awful.

So yay. The room still feels unfinished. Like that big blank wall that needs Kyoto woodblock prints.