This was actually back from the day Colin finally got out kiteboarding. (A note on that – we ran into instructor Pascal today who had bad news: next chance probably won’t be until the 2nd!)
For the first time, Momma came by with all three pups in the middle of the day. I gave them some leftover rice and chow with fish sauce (god knows how good it is for them but they yum it up), then we romped around the beach a bit.
I took 2/3 of the pictures with the ISO cranked to 1600 because I was too lazy to check all the settings. The pictures look alright unless you crop them or zoom in too far, but next time I will take the time to check the ISO (or stick to the auto modes).
This is Brave here sitting between my legs on the deck and getting a belly rub. Someone had tried to confuse things by removing Rope’s rope and putting one around Brave’s neck instead, but I could tell the difference. ;)
We let Momma in to the living room yesterday and it made her sooo happy to sit by our feet near the couch. Then Brave came scampering in, tripped over the power cord and in his panic to get untangled almost yanked the laptop off the desk. I am so getting an extension cord and moving that power bar tomorrow.
Puppies is so cute with them gangly puppy legs!
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