OMG I’m posting!

Yeah we haven’t poted in forever. Or posted any pictures of Japan. wtf? I have no idea wtf but there it is.

I am a little overwhelmed with the sheer enormity of pictures I now have. Some are even edited. I should really get to posting some. Although things are trickier now that I’ve gone to Linux. The ONLY thing that has given me any trouble with the linux switch is geting pictures off my camera. Thank you Canon.

What have we been up to? Alot.

We went to a day of a Sumo tourney two days ago. That was pretty cool. We stumbled accross the studio ghibli museum yesterday. That was way cooler than expected.

But I dunno. If we post all our good stories what will we have to talk about with you at the pub after?

So hopefully we’ll post more. But who knows. I do know I should get some picys up.