• She Made It

    She Made It
    Originally uploaded by apes_at_home.

    We’re through customs and on our way to the USA.

    This is a picture of me really happy because they gave me TN Status to work for Three Rings in San Francisco.

    Although I’m really just relieved, and a little hungry. I’d worked up in my head how hard it was going to be to get my work status, but in the end the customs guy only wanted to see two sheets from my 15 page dossier, and sent me on my way in a matter of minutes.


  • We’re movin to the U*S*A

    Or the “Land of Milk and Honey” according to some airport security guy. Yes, I got the job at Three Rings and will soon have a hand in developing such games as Puzzle Pirates (Yarrr) and Whirled (sort of Second Life with Flash and less suck).

    I’m scheduled to start in about three weeks, so we’ve got to find accomodation in San Francisco and work out the visa stuff pronto. Don’t worry, we’ll still be around for Beer Fest.

    Next stop on our little outing is PAX in Seattle. See some of you there!

    … I suppose we’ll still be “APES abroad” for awhile then, eh?

  • Ready To Go

    Ready To Go
    Originally uploaded by apes_at_home.

    Sarah is off. She disapeared into the building where her interview is taking/took place at 11:15. She is, I guess, still there. Which is probably a good sign. It is 4 hours later.

    In the intervening time I entertained myself. San Francisco is a pretty nice town to wander around. I had no real itinerary so I decided to wander from brew pub to brew pub. I walked past 4 in the last 3 hours and stopped at two of them. Counting Rouge Ale, which we drank at last night, thats pretty good for 5 square kilometers.

    So now I’m killin’ time until Sarah wanders back to the hotel. Acually I’m glad she’s late because I ended up talking for way too long with a pilot from Michigan about politics at San Francisco Brewery (good IPA).

  • Aaaaah – it’s beautiful!

    We’ll post a pic at some point – Colin would like to thank the Scottish Inspector of Ancient Monuments for taking pictures to use in the design of the ring. Colin spent ages getting this thing just right, and it is absolutely perfect. Asymmetric too – how cool! He gave it to me while we watched the sun set near fisherman’s wharf, then we went out for beers at the Rogue brewpub. A great little trip so far.

    Yes I am in town for an interview. I’m not positive of my chances though and it may be the first job I’ve ever actually really wanted, so I’m trying hard not to jinx things or get my hopes too far up. I’ll tell you all about it later.

  • San Fran

    We in San Fran the city of… bridges?

    For those of you who aren’t in this particular fairly tight loop Sarah has a job interview here! I’m not going to say with who because it might be a secret. I’m pretty sure it’s not a secret but whatever. This is easier than asking.

    Also. Don’t tell Sarah but I’m finally going to give her the engagement ring tonight at dinner! It’s a very special, custom made lump of gold and carbon. I can’t stop looking at it myself.

    More updates when there’s something to update!