Ready To Go

Ready To Go
Originally uploaded by apes_at_home.

Sarah is off. She disapeared into the building where her interview is taking/took place at 11:15. She is, I guess, still there. Which is probably a good sign. It is 4 hours later.

In the intervening time I entertained myself. San Francisco is a pretty nice town to wander around. I had no real itinerary so I decided to wander from brew pub to brew pub. I walked past 4 in the last 3 hours and stopped at two of them. Counting Rouge Ale, which we drank at last night, thats pretty good for 5 square kilometers.

So now I’m killin’ time until Sarah wanders back to the hotel. Acually I’m glad she’s late because I ended up talking for way too long with a pilot from Michigan about politics at San Francisco Brewery (good IPA).