Rebuild 3: Luverly Equipment

Colin and I are still in South Africa, because screw winter. The days are getting longer, the weather hotter, just the way it should be. Perpetually.

We’ve fallen in to a routine here of working, then doing more work, then working when we have some time between work and work. Progress is being made on Rebuild 3, which eases the feeling I’ve had for the last year of being in a tunnel whose end gets further away the faster I walk. Finally, I’m gaining on it!

Since we finally have some purdy Adam-art for all the equipment, and close-to-final descriptions and effects, praps it’s time I publish the definitive (*cough version 0.71 cough*) list.


Melee Weapons:

The mandala of pain. And gardening.

Boring old hand-to-hand. I added some silly melee weapons in Rebuild like the shovel and golf club because I just love the image of bashing a zombie’s skull in with things you find lying around. Once to graduate to firearms, they’re also useful for scavenging or recreation, respecitvely.

Equipment Description Effect
Knife Officially Licensed RAMBO First Blood MC-RB2 Survival Knife +2 defense
Stick Everyone knows Donatello has the longest range attack +1 defense
Nail Board A board with a nail so big it will destroy them all +2 defense
Fire Ax A scavenger’s best friend +2 defense, +2 scavenging
Baseball Bat Swing away +1 defense, perk: Recreation
Shovel Good for digging your way through a zombie’s skull +1 defense, +1 scavenging
Golf Club FOOOOOORE +1 defense, perk: Recreation
Sledgehammer Useful for construction or deconstruction of zombie skulls +2 defense, +2 building
Pickaxe Can I pick your brain for a minute? +2 defense, +1 building
Chainsaw Find some meat! +2 defense, +1 building
Sword Don’t hold it by the pointy end +2 defense
Named Sword Makes you feel like a Ninja +3 defense, perk: Ninja
Nunchuks Hope the nose you break is not your own +1 defense
Mierfa’s Nunchuks Mierfa made these herself after a harrowing incident +3 defense
Whip Reinact your favorite scenes from Raiders of the Lost Ark +1 defense
Andy’s Whip More a toy than a useful weapon +3 defense, perk: Recreation


Ranged weapons:

Be prepared.

Things that go boom. Or in some cases “twack”. Most of these use ammo, which is of the one-size-fits-all variety in Rebuild, working in both your pea shooter and your rocket launcher. It’s easy to make more ammo in a workshop… perhaps too easy… so enjoy all that free ammo now before it gets nerfed in the next update and you’ve got to trade Gustav your firstborn just to make your guns work.

And how does ammo work? You use up one unit (obviously not one BULLET, duh) for every 3 days spent shooting at stuff. If you run out of ammo, all guns grant +0 defense. There’s a policy that lets you increase or decrease ammo usage.

Equipment Description Effect
Pistol Useless without bullets +2 defense
Pea Shooter Literally shoots peas +3 defense, perk: Green Thumb
Shotgun Aim in the general direction of the head +3 defense
Named Shotgun Sturdier than the average shotgun +4 defense
Hunting Rifle Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless +3 defense
Van Dijk’s Rifle I must master my rifle as I must master my life +4 defense
Submachine Gun Ratatatat +3 defense
Assault Rifle This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine +4 defense
Flamethrower Smores?? My favorite! +4 defense
Minigun Can cut a zombie in half at 100 yards, not that that would kill it +5 defense
Rocket Launcher Eliminate everything in your path, including your path +5 defense
Crossbow Uses ammo like guns +2 defense
Boomerang She might fly off, but she always comes back to me +1 defense
Melanie’s Boomerang Tipped with razors for taking off zed heads +2 defense



One of the Kickstarter reward tiers was getting to name an item, which is where things like the “Octonoo Binocs” and “Walter’s Go Bag” came from. These souped-up versions of regular items often give a perk as well as an extra skill bonus.

Yes, the “See Further” perk stacks with the Improved Scouting tech, letting your survivors scout a 3×3 grid instead of just one measly building at a time.

Equipment Description Effect
Hammer Bang bang went Maxwell’s silver hammer +1 defense, +2 building
Wrench It’s all about torque +1 building
Saw Man those were some bad movies +1 building
Crowbar Can open almost any object, or at least smash it +1 defense, +2 scavenging
Named Crowbar For prying open stuff… including rib cages +1 defense, +3 scavenging
Flashlight Find useful stuff in darkened buildings +1 scavenging
Binoculars For more efficient long distance scavenging +1 scavenging
Moore’s Binocs Spy on your neighbors up to 4 blocks away +2 scavenging, perk: See Further
Octonoo Binocs Official Binoculars of the Octonoo City Bird Watching Club +2 scavenging, perk: See Further
Toolbox All the tools you need to build your first bidhouse +3 building
Backpack You could live out of one of these for years +3 scavenging
Pitchfork Good fer pokin’ +1 scavenging, perk: Green Thumb
Chemistry Kit A good set of glass beakers and a bunsen burner +3 engineering
Doctor’s Bag Lets you diagnose almost anything, just not cure it +2 engineering
Walter’s Go Bag Lets you diagnose almost anything, just not cure it +5 engineering, perk: First Aid
The Doctor’s Scalpel Lets you diagnose almost anything, just not cure it +5 engineering, perk: First Aid
Mirror Earth A tale of teamwork by Crawford and Yeo +3 leadership, perk: Team Player
Terrible Comic So badly written that it inspires you to do better +3 engineering, perk: Easygoing
Calculator Ancient but solar powered, these things last forever +1 engineering
Science Book Sleep with it under your pillow and learn by osmosis +2 engineering
Named Science Book A first edition! Before they fixed all the mistakes! +4 engineering
Flare Gun Works as a weapon in a pinch +3 leadership, +1 defense
Radio Communication is the key to good leadership +3 leadership
Megaphone Can be heard a mile away on a windless day +2 leadership
Multi-tool Reid Co’s bestselling five-in-one multi-tool +1 to all
Guitar Soothe the savage beasts and lift the sombre spirits +2 leadership
Helmet For more effective headbutt attacks perk: Defended
Top Hat A top-notch hat or the truly refined leader +1 leadership
Cowboy Hat This town ain’t big enough for two sheriffs +1 leadership



Children also count as equipment in the code. They grant -1 to all perks (to represent the time it takes to take care of them), and grant a happiness perk called Babysitter. Yes, babysitting is a source of great joy for survivors in Rebuild. When you compare it to other possible duties anyway.

You might remember the black cat from Rebuild 2 where it was a reward for cleaning our the gambler’s bank. Kickstarter backers got to name it this time around, so you might win: “Yoshi”, “Stevens”, “Gromit”, “Pepsi”, “Cooper”, “Caboose”, “Kamstra”, or “Linus”

Equipment Description Effect
Cat Nobody can resist this cat’s charms +1 leadership, perk: Pet Owner
Black Cat A very special cat +1 to all, perk: Pet Owner
Pomeranian Adorable, when it finally stops yapping +2 leadership, perk: Pet Owner
Retriever Wants to be your bestest friend +1 defense, +1 scavenging, perk: Pet Owner
Bulldog The jowls say it: this is one mean dog +2 defense, perk: Pet Owner



Oh, there are plenty of vehicles lying around. But good luck getting any of them to start after rusting in the rain for a decade.

I haven’t quite figured out vehicles yet… right now they grant the Has Vehicle perk which eliminates the danger of doing missions further than 1 city block away from the fort. But I have several vehicle-related events planned that should make them more interesting than that, and something you’ll definitely want to have.

Equipment Description Effect
Bicycle Keep fit and stay ahead of the mob perk: Has Vehicle
Motorcycle Drive right through those traffic jams +1 defense, perk: Has Vehicle
Car Surprisingly spacious trunk +1 scavenging, perk: Has Vehicle
Armored Truck Bulletproof and full of cash +2 defense, +2 scavenging, perk: Has Vehicle


Deluxe edition bonus equipment:

(The Fox rocks!)

One of the Kickstarter rewards (and now deluxe edition bonuses) is some special starting jobs for your main leader, which come with gussied-up versions of some items. They are:

Equipment Description Effect
Handle with Care Groovy +5 defense, +2 building
KITT Heavily armored, but doesn’t actually talk +3 defense, +3 scavenging, perk: Has Vehicle
The Feynman Lectures Arm yourself with physics +4 engineering, perk: MacGyver
Note’s Guitar Smooth sound but a sharp edge +4 leadership, +2 defense, perk: Musician
Construction Hat Doin’ it like a Doozer +3 building, perk: Defended


4 responses to “Rebuild 3: Luverly Equipment”

  1. Jack McLuckington Avatar
    Jack McLuckington

    Greetings from South Europe Sarah! You are currently developing a very delightful* (if that’s the correct term? nvm.) game right now, and i have a couple of suggestions:
    a) You’ll probably want to try and make the workshop have a bit more….usefulness to it. I mean yea, for now in 0.72, we get free ammo and medicine but something that would make it have more use to the actual fort is……blueprints!!! That way, both the workshop and the scavenging “system” are getting better, because you have to scavenge (UNCLAIMED/OUTSIDE THE FORT BUILDINGS, OTHERWISE IT SHOULDN’T Work–> Unrealistic to not find blueprints inside your base in a recently claimed building, i know, i know, just that i mean the fort could have stupid people that searched the building for useful resources and overlooked papers and potential blueprints/”blueprint journals”, WHILE reclaiming it from the zombies.) the blueprints in: Labs/Pawn Shops/Miitary Bases(if they can make it inside the game as a rare building. Please?)/Police Stations/Houses(10%-15% “Spawn rate”, so it would be quite rare to reach the “Gold Mine” of someone’s house who was a collector of baseball bats an golf clubs blueprints….yeah, you get me point.)/Warehouses(Well it’s mostly for storage so a 55% chance to find a bluepint here would be quite normal i guess.
    Because there always is useful trash in a warehouse.) This is the most important part. Please consider this one carefully(What has been mentioned above). Please…
    Oh! Almost forgot. Blueprints would contain one “recipe” (5 materials,4 ammunition and a level 8 engineer to create a submachine gun for example) while the blueprint journals/books would have 3-5 blueprints inside them.
    b)IF THEY MAKE IT INTO THE GAME(The blueprints/blueprint journals: a possible durability system for the guns/melee weapons(Whips too i think….maybe.), so that we could maintain a *Realistic experience, your hunting rifle could jam while you are trying to stop an attack, and probably it would be #Damaged, so, it would need a level 5-10 engineer and 3-5 days to get it fixed at the workshop. Same for melee, depending on their Defense bonus, lv 3-7 engineer and 1-4 days to get it up and running again.
    The Water and Power Plant side/miniquests were a nice addition too. If you read it all, thank you , and i hope you could consider, and maybe, add some of these things in the main game. Can’t wait for the full release! Best Regards, Jack.

    1. Jack McLuckington Avatar
      Jack McLuckington

      And by the way, if any value gets nerfed i would mind at all! I would be quite happy if at least a litle part of my suggestion makes it in the game. Thanks again.

  2. Jack Avatar

    Cannot wait, as i adored the first two games. :D :D :D

  3. Lukong Avatar

    Thanks for this, I’ve been look’g all over the Net for Images of the Equipt and this are great.
    If wonder’g who I am I’m the guy who emailed you about Rebuild 3D.

    Also I figured out why most people don’t use BGE, due its GPL that requires developers to hand out the source file upon request, but I came up with 2 ways to counter plagurize’g.
    1. I hear you can put a price tag on the Source so I would have the platform I’m uploading to make sure that the File is a non-refundable microtransaction
    2. Do Pre-Orders until you suffice with the money then release both…cause technically you don’t have to avail Source until work is released.