Author: Sarah Northway

  • Contraption Modding

    Contraption Modding

    We currently have two types of mod: Neko Skins (skin the cat!) and Languages (Habla Contrapcionez?)

    Change Neko's appearance, or translate the game into another language.
    Use mods to change Neko’s appearance, or translate the game into your native language.

    Contraption mods menu

    How to install a mod

    1. Subscribe to a mod you like on the Steam Workshop
    2. Restart the game or click Reload in the Settings > Mods menu on your monitor
    3. Current language can be changed from the top of the Settings menu

    You can also install mods directly by unpacking them into the Mods Folder at C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\FC-VR\Mods\[MOD_NAME]\

    How to create a Fantastic Contraption mod

    Short answer: install and modify the Neko mod example or Language mod example.

    Long answer (for Neko mod):

    1. Open the Settings menu on your desktop monitor
    2. Click Mods
    3. Click Mods Folder to open C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\FC-VR\Mods\
    4. Download the Neko example mod
    5. Unpack it to the Mods folder
    6. Click Reload on the Mods menu (eg ~\FC-VR\Mods\NekoMod_Neelie)
    7. In the HMD, look at Neko – he should now be black and white
    8. Edit NekoBody.png (1024×1024) and NekoHead.png (512×512) to change Neko’s appearance
    9. Edit Details.json to change the mod title and description
    10. Replace Capsule.png (638×358) with your own Steam Workshop preview image
    11. Click Reload on the Mods menu to see your changes (or restart the game)
    12. Click Publish beside your mod to upload it to the Steam Workshop
    13. Click Update to send a new version to the Steam Workshop
    14. Click X to delete the mod locally and unsubscribe.
    15. Published mods can only be removed from the workshop from the Steam Workshop website

    Long answer (for Language mod):

    1. Open the Settings menu on your desktop monitor
    2. Click Mods
    3. Click Mods Folder to open C:\Users\[YOUR_USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\FC-VR\Mods\
    4. Download the Language example mod
    5. Unpack it to the Mods folder
    6. Click Reload on the Mods menu (eg ~\FC-VR\Mods\LanguageMod_French)
    7. In the game, everything should now be in French
    8. Edit strings.csv and change text to your language
    9. Edit Details.json to change the mod title and description
    10. Replace Capsule.png (638×358) with your own Steam Workshop preview image
    11. Click Reload on the Mods menu to see your changes (or restart the game)
    12. Click Publish beside your mod to upload it to the Steam Workshop
    13. Click Update to send a new version to the Steam Workshop
    14. Click X to delete the mod locally and unsubscribe.
    15. Published mods can only be removed from the workshop from the Steam Workshop website

    A full level editor is also coming soon. If making mods and custom content is something that interests you and you’d like to see more of that in Fantastic Contraption, please let us know!

  • Tokyo Game Show 2016

    We got a last-minute invite to show Fantastic Contraption in the indie area of the Tokyo Game Show this year. You didn’t need to twist our arms about it; within an hour me, Colin, Lindsay, and Gord were checking flights and blocking off dates in our calendars.

    It wasn’t the show that excited us so much, it was just a good excuse to spend time in one of our favorite cities. I didn’t have a lot of hope that the conference would be a useful experience. When we last attended TGS in 2011, there were hardly any indie games there at all except maybe Behemoth showing Battle Block Theater. It seemed like nobody there would want to play our games.

    I’d heard from various indie devs that the independent games presence was growing at TGS, but that it was sidelined to a separate building that didn’t get as much traffic or press as the main AAA area. While this was true, the show turned out (to my surprise & delight) to be a big success for us.

    Fantastic Contraption booth

    Gord, me and Lindsay goofing by our double-sized VR booth

    Our booth was at the very back of the indie area, which housed over 100 games. Most of the booths were little 1x1m kiosks with just enough space for one monitor and a little poster, but people were creative with their decorations and gave the place a good dose of character. We splurged $250 extra for a tv from the conference and convinced the union we could be trusted to plug it in ourselves (at least I think that’s what we were talking about – the language barrier was not bad but some procedures in Japan still mystify me).

    We’ve shown Vive roomscale at previous conferences, but it needs at least 3x3m of boothspace (1.5x2m play area plus PC/monitor plus a half meter safety border). Our posh VR booth at TGS was 2x2m, just enough room to show our upcoming “Kaiju scale”, where you stand in place and play as a giant towering over a tiny Contraption world.

    We chose the Oculus Touch this time to avoid issues with IR interference, and were lucky we did because a nearby Vive demo had its lighthouses aimed right at us.

    Cosplay line

    The cosplay change rooms were right behind our booth

    Sharing the building with us indies were cosplay, merch, and VR. Virtual Reality turned out to be a big crowd bringer, with HTC and PD Tokyo’s mixed reality booths, Futuretown’s ride-on arcade rigs, and in the AAA building as well with everything from dating sims to Resident Evil 7 in VR. Given the typically small apartments and lower disposable income in Japan, I’d wondered if people there would be excited about VR. The answer is yes: a thousand times yes.

    We saw some weird shit, like a haptic armband that moves your fingers, an idol singer game you play with air traffic control rods, a surreal bathing simulator and a game where you grope a mannequin. In TGS’s defense I heard they banned that last one, but I took all this as a sign that Japan is excited and willing to innovate in VR.

    Public day

    Yep it did get busy… and quite humid

    Back at our booth we had someone playing Contraption from the moment the doors opened until they cut the AC and threw everyone out at 5pm. The two business days were quiet but not empty, and the public weekend days were hot and crowded but not chaotic. Our line was never longer than an hour (Thumper for PSVR, beside us, was another story) and everyone was orderly and calm. Japan is awesome.

    Lindsay had localized the game to Japanese for an arcade at July’s BitSummit conference, which was a life saver. It’s awkward enough to help people through a demo in VR when you speak the same language, though luckily Lindsay speaks Japanese and we had extra help on the busy public days from our Tokyo friend Paul. One thing we’d do differently next time would be to put Japanese text into our sign as well. Most people in Japan speak a little English, but not all confidently enough to figure out an English tutorial with a crowd watching them.

    We put players through a new 5 minute demo loop we were beta testing for arcades, which throws you into a level with a ton of stuff to mess with and look at, and a condensed version of our (normally 10 minute) tutorial that fades to black when the timer is up. We ironed some kinks out of the demo and made some tweaks to it during the first couple business days (a terrible idea, but we like to live dangerously).

    Overall it turned out great. We did some excellent playtesting on the new demo level, Kaiju scale, and the Oculus Touch controls. We got great feedback, met a bunch of VR business folks, and connected with quite a few indie developers who don’t usually make it out to GDC or PAX.


    Hi Paul!

    Fantastic Contraption was also nominated for Sense of Wonder Night, aka the TGS indie game awards. It’s since Colin showed an early version of Incredipede there in 2011 to about 30 people. This time Lindsay and I got up onstage to bright lights and a formal judging panel. He spoke while I played the game, and we proudly came away with an award for Best Technological Game.

    Also notable was Robin Baumgarten‘s game Line Wobbler, which won not just one but three awards, including the audience “make some noise” face off where it was pitted against Contraption to see who could generate the most wakka-wakkas from the audience’s toy hammers.


    A SOWN tradition – applaud by shaking a toy “piko piko” hammer when you feel a sense of wonder

    After the show we took a couple weeks off to explore Tokyo and the surrounding countryside with our teammates and friends. And I have to say, though the show was just an excuse to get us over to Japan, it really was both fun and useful for us and the indie component has improved immeasurably since 2011. We’re very grateful to the organizers for making this happen!

    Check out our Flickr album for more of our trip.

    Tea garden

    Choo choo

    Inari shrine

  • Contraption Scale modes

    Contraption Scale modes

    Fantastic Contraption will be a launch title with the Oculus Touch motion controllers (no official date yet). We have the hardware all hooked up and running nicely, and are working on making smaller scale play spaces feel good.

    The scaling feature will also come out on the Vive version so you’ll be able to play at your desk or standing in a small space. Right now you eat mushrooms to change your size ala Alice in Wonderland: some make you bigger (and thus the world looks smaller), and some have the opposite effect.

    Do those mushrooms have... tongues?
    Do those mushrooms have… tongues?

    I know this feature’s going to be great, because I use it every day while working on the game. I have my space set up so I can swivel my chair to the right and play a miniature version of Contraption in the air there, complete with a miniature little Neko.

    You can even shrink down smaller than original roomscale to be like a mouse in a world of giant contraptions. Facing a giant angry Neko can be pretty intimidating.

    Good kitty! I promise I'll never cheat again!
    Good kitty! I promise I’ll never cheat again!

    Why is that Neko black and white? That’s another feature we’re working on: workshop mods to change the cat’s appearance. We’re also working on naming contraptions, localization to other languages, attachable pins and more. Stay tuned to our Twitch stream and to the experimental Steam branch to get updates before anyone else.

    Upcoming Events

    We won’t have a booth at PAX Prime this year, but you may still bump into us there (you’ll recognize us by our sweet Contraption shirts).

    We will be showing Fantastic Contraption at the Tokyo Game Show in their indie hall.

    We’ll also be at VRDC in November and a couple local events here in Vancouver Canada. Busy times!

  • Contraption Price Drop

    Our limited-offer free bundle with the HTC Vive has ended, and they’re now bundling two new games as well as the irreplaceable Tilt Brush. This means we’re now actually selling Contraption for the first time!

    Price change to $30

    So, it was finally time to discuss the fact that at $40 usd Contraption was one of the most expensive VR games available for the Vive. I do think it’s one of the better VR titles available, but judging by our reviews $40 was more than many players are willing to pay for it. We agreed it was too high, so we’ve lowered it to $30 usd.

    The reason VR games generally cost more than traditional “flat” games is simple: right now there are way fewer VR gamers than PC gamers, which means fewer purchases, which means you need higher prices to make the same amount of money and cover your development costs. VR games will get cheaper as more people own the hardware, but this year companies are taking a risk by making games for Vive and Oculus. We want to support them.

    Up next: the Level Editor

    We’ve been showing off (and occasionally breaking) the upcoming level editor live on our Thursday afternoon Twitch stream. It’s almost another game in itself, building miniature islands in the sky and devising challenges for other players.

    We still have a few things to sort out but you can expect to see it on the experimental Steam branch soon!

  • Contraption: On Cheevos

    As we recently announced in update 1.0.8, we now display badges at the base of your save models to indicate if you beat the level in a special way. On some levels, getting a badge will earn you an achievement and matching jangly charm for your controller.

    First confirmed Contraption 100% completion!
    First confirmed Contraption 100% completion from @eric_lobdell

    Colin and I have differing opinions on “cheevos” in games. For Incredipede, Colin used anti-achievements where you have to leave your computer, go outside and play with bugs (and people actually did it!). Colin argues that achievements cheapen games by giving you a reward for something that should be its own reward, and that they can encourage you to do things that aren’t even fun.

    I argue that achievements give you a reason to try new things. Say you always play Rebuild 3 by killing every faction in the city. There’s an achievement for that, but also one for allying with every faction. So to get every cheevo you have to try different play styles and explore parts of the game that maybe you wouldn’t have otherwise. Achievements can also give uber players new and harder challenges.

    Fantastic Contraption has a history of solution badges which we used for the achievements in the new game. You earn them by beating specific levels in some unusual way. The ones we’ve kept are:

    • Champion – goal ball stays in goal
    • Boomerang – ball returns to the build area
    • Clean – remove all parts from the level after winning
    • Green – win using no powered wheels
    • Brown/Gold – win using only rods
    • Lightning – win in a limited amount of time
    • Minimalist – use a limited number of pieces


    Our Steam achievements include beating Fetch Island green (no powered wheels) and Step Island boomerang (return to the build area), and Log Rolling lightning (within 5 seconds). That last one is so hard that we’re still debating increasing it to 6 or 7 seconds, and it took hours for Colin to finally prove it was even possible.

    I hope they encourage Contraption players to be creative and test out different ideas. We may add a few more cheevos as we add more levels… that is if we can fit any more charms on those controllers!