My next most pressing task is to find an artist for the game. I have several offers from friends who’d like to do pieces of it, but am hoping to find a professional artist able to devote a full (paid) year to the game and do everything from concept sketches to UI to promo art. Rebuild 3 will be a PC downloadable + mobile + browser game with more bells & whistles than the first two. I’d like this new game to look friendlier than Rebuild 2 but not as dorky as Rebuild 1, and I’d prefer bizarre and stylish over the ordinary. We’ll have fun with it! :D
Applicants should:
- Have past experience on other games
- Have played Rebuild 2 or Rebuild mobile
- Design slick, functional and complex game UIs
- Draw awesome zombies and other characters
- Draw cool and readable buildings/terrain
- Animate basic walking and actions
- Be self-motivated to work from home
- Put UIs together in Flash Pro
- (Bonus) Produce vectors either from scratch or via trace
Email me with your portfolio if you’re interested. More details on the Art Style page of the Rebuild 3 wiki.