Hanging with Taluka

Leaving Bottle Beach
Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

We finally got some great snorkling in today! I still find the requirements for good snorkling visibility a little hard to pin down; even with nice calm and sunny weather sometimes it’s a little murky down there. But not today!

We headed up to Koh Ma / Mae Haad for lunch and a dip in the freakinwikked beautiful coral reef. Tabitha finally got some good use out of the waterproof container for her camera (we may post a few soon). I think it was the best day for snorkling we’ve had yet, though I admit the amazingness of being completely surrounded by tropical fish and corals is finally starting to wear off.

There is a new cicada or cricket this week that sounds exactly like a dentist drill. Thankfully it only does it’s thing for an hour around sunset, but good god that takes the cake for most annoying bug. Ooh, and speaking of bugs, Taluka found two massive spiders in their little bungalo. No pictures, but – spreads fingers out – they said they were that big.

Yesterday we finally took our first longtail trip (see picture) to visit Bottle Beach. The driver-captain-guy was awesome; if you ever need a boat from Chaloklum call Mr. Dan. Only 100 baht and smiles are included! ^_^

Despite being one of the hardest beaches to get to, or perhaps because of it, Bottle Beach is coated with bungaloes and teeming with tourists. Nice beach though; deep swimmable water with big fun waves that we could almost body surf in. Colin did some bouldering and found yet another abandoned bar out on the rocks. He fell through the ageing tile roof while climbing around on top but came away with just a few scrapes. He’s itching to start kiteboarding again in Baan Tai once the wind picks back up.

I’m itching to try the fancy-schmantzy but tragically named ME ‘N’ U restaurant tonight. Let you know how it goes..