
Ok we’re not bouncing off any satalites. Only cell towers for now. We have our backup connection in place!

It’s a cell dongle we picked up in Thongsala for about 300 CAD. It costs us .03 CAD per minute to use. The speed claims to be 100 kbps and that feels about right. It’s not great but it’s alot better than being stuck in the dark ages. Actually it IS pretty neat that we’re connected to the intertubes at any given location in the populated world… or however far accepts this sim card.

Expect better/more updates. In fact I am uploading a bunch of pictures taken over the last few days as we speak.

Actually that was going to cost us a small fortune. Oh well got 6 up. A few of Chaloklum and a few of just stuff. I’ll get the rest up later and name/organise them all.

Oh hey. I was trying to think of ways to give a more full picture of our day-to-day existance here and I thought mabey the contents of our fridge would help:


1 lemon cesame cookies (with frozen ants)
1 cup sugar coated peantus (with frozen ants)
1 ice cube tray (1/3rd solid, the remaining perma-liquid)
1 bottle larios dry gin (mostly full)


1/2 block of cheese
1 mini-hotdog
1 lime
1 & 1/2 toblerones
1 Imperial choco artificial mocca flavored cocoa favoured confectionery (sic)
1 pineapple
1 loaf of extremely white bread
9/10ths of a package of very stale extra flacky sugar biscuits
1 bottle soda water
1 unlabeled bottled (possibly banana vinegar)
1 bag hot peppers
some chives
some basil
1 & 1/2 large carrots
smuckers red rasperry jam (yay)
best foods margerine
1 bottle purchased drinking water
1/2 bottle fish sauce soysauce (yuck)
bottle sangsom (thai whiskey)
large tiger (beer)
large leo (beer)
1 panasonic brand plastic water jug filled boiled tap water