• What the heck have we been working on?

    It’s waaaay past time for an update. Here’s what Colin and I (Sarah) got up to for the past 2 years. With the power of source control, I can look into the past and see exactly when everything happened!

    October 2016: I created a new repo for a project called “There”. Colin was fascinated by the incredible art and experiences people were creating in VR, and wanted a central place where people could go to enjoy it. It was initially going to be a monthly bundle of VR toys and interactive art connected through a free multiplayer lobby. Over time the lobby grew to become the gallery itself – now known as the Museum of Other Realities.

    Skull Island by Cabbibo
    Skull Island by Cabbibo – one of the original artists featured in the MOR

    January 2017: After we added the Level Editor to Fantastic Contraption VR in version 1.6.0, we handed the project off to co-creators Radial Games. They optimized the bejeezus out of it and brought it to the PS VR and Windows MR later that year. Meanwhile…

    February 2017: Designer Robin Stethem joined the MOR team. I left to prototype my own VR games.

    March 2017: One prototype became Machete Garden, a VR game about exploration and farming on an alien planet. I created the art for it inside my Vive using Gravity Sketch and Tilt Brush. I got all excited about the future of graphics tools, having found 3D modelling suddenly so intuitive and easy in VR. I enjoyed working on the art, something I haven’t done for many of my games.

    Machete Garden
    Machete Garden – by Sarah Northway

    April 2017: Colin sent out the first multiplayer pre-alpha build of the MOR (called TH-er at the time) to friends and VR artists. The online space was a hit, and monthly updates have followed since then, with a private virtual party to celebrate each time a new exhibit or gallery wing is added.

    Anchored by Danny Bitman
    Anchored by Danny Bitman – one of the first exhibits in the MOR

    May 2017: Maris Tammik and Em Halberstadt from A Shell in the Pit Audio began adding sound to the MOR.

    August 2017: I shelved Machete Garden.

    I just couldn’t see myself wanting to play this game, as it was more about enjoying the space and discovering new species than any serious strategy. I’d hoped to release it through one of the MOR’s monthly interactive experience bundles, but as that project pivoted towards an art gallery I had to consider releasing Machete Garden as a standalone game. I felt that would be pointless unless I radically deepened the gameplay.

    I was also sick to death of fighting with 3D physics and optimizing 3D graphics. And finally, I wanted to tell the story of why you’d volunteered to come to this lonely planet, but was faced with having to do it using full voice recording and no justifiable budget. I decided some of these problems may just solve themselves in a few years, and decided to put Machete Garden – and VR – aside for now.

    Machete Garden
    RIP Machete Garden – for now

    Also August 2017: I started a new game, initially codenamed Princess of Mars and now called I Was a Teenage Exocolonist. More about it soon!

    January 2018: The Museum of Other Realities was incorporated into its own thing separate from Northway Games. It’s so big you can easily get lost in it now. 30+ works range from intricate tilt brush pieces on pedestals, to recreated 3D photogrammetry ruins, to a whimsical rainbow dance room, to a giant skull filled with creepy cackling skeletons.

    Skeletons by Liz Edwards - insane cackling by Em
    Skeletons by Liz Edwards in the MOR – deranged giggling by Em

    April 2018: The MOR was so bursting at the seams with art that Colin and Robin added a second floor. They started experimenting with a donation system, and a strange crypto currency art-purchasing experiment featuring works by John Orion Young.

    Don't Panic by John Orion Young
    Don’t Panic by John Orion Young – featured in the MOR

    August 2018: After trying to do all my own art for Exocolonist, I came to my senses and hired two artists to bring my game to life. And this brings us more or less to today. More about Exocolonist including concept art in my next post!

  • Life since Livejournal

    We dropped off this journal after Greece in 2012, but kept travelling continuously until 2015. We started travelling with friends more often, and I guess I wasn’t as lonely and needing to share our experiences. But we still took pictures! And I’ll continue to post them to our Flickr stream now and then.

    So a quick (but by no means complete) recap:

    After Greece in 2012 we stayed with relatives in Scotland, then six months in Mexico (first the Sayulita, then Yucatan) where we released our game Incredipede. In 2013 we spent spring in Montreal and New York, lived on a remote island in Bocas del Toro, Panama, then spent several months in Buenos Aires. In 2014 we lived in Brazil, roadtripped around our native British Columbia for a few months, then wintered in Cape Town, South Africa. We ended our five year world tour with a stay in Bali, Indonesia.

    After our customary spring trip to GDC in San Francisco (which we missed only one year and regretted deeply), in 2015 we bought an apartment in Vancouver, and have been there ever since. Shortly after that I released my game Rebuild 3, then we dove into VR and released Fantastic Contraption with the Vive in early 2016.

    And now, except for the occasional month in Tokyo or elsewhere, we’re mostly sedentary. Our addition to bulky virtual reality systems is part of that, but also we’re just happy to stay in one place for awhile and to have a real home.

    Follow our continued adventures on Twitter: @colinnorthway and @sarah_northway, and on the Northway Games dev blog.

  • Contraption PS VR Launches July 11th

    Thanks to a ton of hard work at Radial Games, Fantastic Contraption will be coming to PS VR next week! Here’s the announcement (reposted from the Official Playstation Blog).

    Chris Floyd from Radial Games here, with an exciting message from our giant videogame zeppelin flying high overhead. We’ve been working day and night to create a most exquisite and whimsical virtual reality morsel: Fantastic Contraption for PlayStation VR!

    Release Date

    That’s right! We’ve been having a blast creating Fantastic Contraption for PlayStation VR, and we’re excited to announce that we’ll be sharing all of our hard work with you on Tuesday, July 11th, 2017. National Fantastic Contraption Day, mark it in your calendar! It will retail for $19.99 usd with an extra launch-week-special 10%-off if you have PlayStation Plus.

    Seated Gameplay Specifically Designed for PS VR – The Most Relaxing Way to Play FC!

    Sure, you could stand around, windmilling your arms in our magical virtual reality wonderland, but now you have the choice to sit back and play Fantastic Contraption right from your couch! Imagine! We redesigned the gameplay experience especially for PS VR, taking advantage of the likelihood that you have a favorite place to relax in front of your PlayStation 4. We’ve included special PS VR-only features that allow you to resize and position your gameworld at the press of a button, which we’re sure you’ll find slick and amazing.

    It has fast become my favorite way to play, and makes contraption-building feel a whole lot like model-making, which we are Very Big Fans of here at Radial Games.

    New, Unique Levels for PlayStation VR

    We have a handful of brand-new, PlayStation-exclusive levels in the release. Try your hand bouncing around some moguls, attacking a big-bricked wall, and more! We’ve designed a few challenges specifically around seated play, and we know you’ll enjoy them.

    Dynamically Resize the Entire World in the Brand-New Resize Island

    Welcome to Resize Island, where you can dynamically resize the entire world around you! This opens a world of customization for your preferred way to play. You can make the world really huge to fit your standing-style gameplay preferences, or shrink it all the way down to fit on your lap, where you can marvel at tiny Neko. That’s right, THE CAT RESIZES TOO. You can do anything in videogames.

    PS4 Pro Enhancements

    For those of you with a lovely new PS4 Pro, we’ve spiced up the game a bit extra for ya:

    • 8xAA – We averaged out all those sharp corners for smoother looking curves!
    • Higher-resolution textures – you can almost smell that wood-grain!
    • Improved backdrops and scenery
    • Additional special-effects and visual flairs
    • Extra island decorations
    • 125% resolution oversampling – A fancy way of saying that things look real sharp in there.

    Let us know below what you’re most looking forward to, and I hope to see you having a great time with Fantastic Contraption when it launches next Tuesday!

  • Contraption Anti-Oppenheimer Update 1.6.0

    This is the last update we originally planned for the game, making 1.6.0 the final cherry on the Contraption sundae.

    But why “Anti-Oppenheimer”? Because:


    “Now I am become Editor, the creator of worlds”

    Now you too can defy – nay, define – physics as the creator of your own Fantastic Contraption levels using the new built-in Level Editor. To get started, first put on the helmet to enter dark world, then look for a mask above a statue of a two-toed sloth. Don the mask to enter:

    The Level Editor

    As Andy Moore says in the video above, we think the level editor is a key piece to the Contraption experience. The original 2008 Flash game had 47 official levels, and half a million user-generated ones. Not only did player-made levels give the game more content, they let people come up with whole new ways of playing that we hadn’t even considered.

    To be honest, the level editor’s practically a game in itself. Move aside TiltBrush, it’s time for art class with Mrs. Fox:

    Next we’ll recreates a cartoonish prison stereotype using dynamic blocks (aka “moon cheese”):

    The Sarahfox

    Ring the bell to summon the Sarahfox, your tutorial guide to the Level Editor (voiced and acted by yours truly!). She’ll introduce the basic controls: grabbing, stretching, copying, and using the precision movement flowers.

    We recorded the Sarahfox’s movement using a system we wrote into the game, so she can interact with pre-scripted objects and give a demonstration right front of you. It’s remarkable how much life a character can have in VR using only 3 points of motion capture data.

    Switch the Dog

    You’ll meet Button the Dog’s cousin Switch when you first arrive in the Level Editor. Use him to toggle between Build Scale (where it’s easier to reach the whole level) and Test Scale (where it’s easier to playtest). There are no functional differences between the two modes, so you can edit level pieces and build contraptions in both and it’s a cinch to test on the fly:

    Contraption pieces will be saved along with the level terrain, so make sure to delete them when you’re done testing, unless you want to include them as a challenge or example to people who play your level. It’s also possible to save levels that don’t have a goal or are missing a goal ball. We recommend testing before you save!

    If you save a level you made to any shelf on the save table, it will be published online. To delete your saved level or contraption, throw it into the Trashcan Frog’s mouth.

    Lippy the Mouthmoth Keyboard

    Grab Lippy or double-tap the trigger to call him down to you in the dark world. Move him over to the maquette minimap to name your contraption or level (if no name is set, a random one will be chosen when you publish online).

    You can also move Lippy to the save table to filter it by contraption or level name. For example searching for “mi” will find things named Steep Mitten or Miserly Devil.

    Infinite Levels

    We’ve seeded the user-made levels with some we designed that didn’t make the official cut, or that we’ve been inspired to create since trying out the new editor (which is much easier to use than our old system!). To check them out, enter the dark world and set the save table’s mode lever (the one on the right) to Levels, then use the left lever to select Levels by Rating or Levels by Date.

    Don’t forget you can favorite user-made levels (or contraptions) by giving them a kiss. This feeds into the online ranking for the Levels by Rating shelf.

    Zumi the Moon Mouse

    Zumi Mouse didn’t live in a house, he wanted to live on the moon!
    As the world cat passed by, he rode up to the sky,
    And round his head put a balloon.
    He munched and he chewed, ’till the cheese moon was hewed,
    And Zumi had plenty of holes he’d accrued.
    But what a mistake – such a bad bellyache,
    Zumi’s home is his favorite food!

    Full Changelog

    We don’t have any more major updates planned for Fantastic Contraption, though we’ll continue to maintain the game and support new hardware (the PS VR version is coming soon!). Radial Games and Northway Games will be moving on to new (and so far unannounced) things next.

    • New Level editor! To use it, first put on the helmet, then put on the creepy mask in the corner and ring the bell for a tutorial. User-made levels can be shared online and loaded via the save table just like contraptions.
    • New Mouthmoth keyboard lets you name contraptions and levels, and search by contraption / level name
    • Added interactive art elements to side of maquette and Kaiju scale
    • Autohide the companion desktop menu and limit desktop display framerate
    • Show purple building bounds if cheating detected during tutorial
    • Hide black sphere during startup
    • Improve look of pins on Neko’s head
    • Adjust some sky characters
    • Sky color variation
    • Sounds for items including non-spinning green wheels and eyeballs
    • Disable musical sounds if you’re holding an item
    • Tweaked throw force for Kaiju scales
    • Improved haptics
    • Improved tutorial text font
    • Optimized first person companion view smoothing
    • Optimized avatar shadows
    • Optimized Twitch panel memory usage
    • Fixed some menus not updating when language changes
    • Fixed models disappearing after you drop them on a save table shelf
    • Fixed Button the Dog ghosting
    • Fixed disappearing Neko eyes and ghosting
    • Fixed obscure crash bug with some webcams
    • Fixed cat skin modding
    • Fixed sticky tutorial messages
    • Fixed laserpointer positioning for Twitch/camera menu
    • Fixed feedback form submission issues

    Cheers and happy 2017 from the Fantastic Contraption team!

  • Contraption coming to PS VR!

    Our friend (and Rebuild 3 writer) Stephen Gray has joined Radial Games to work (among other things) on the PS VR version of Fantastic Contraption, due out in Spring 2017.

    Kert Gartner used some wacky techniques to film this and our Oculus Rift trailer, and today he shared some of the cinema techniques he used to get shots you usually only see in movies or tailored cutscenes. He also filmed gameplay footage in 4k split screen so he could get 1st person and 3rd person shots with both the Oculus Touch and Playstation Move controllers all at the same time.


    We’re working hard to bring the best experience possible to this console version and so far the results look great! Stay tuned for more news…