This will be your chance to show support, preorder the game, and get your hands on some exclusive goodies like the Rebuild Board Game (designed by me!). Best of all, this will be a chance to get your name or face in the game and guarantee your place in line as a beta playtester.
Perhaps you have some opinions you’d like to share in this survey?
I’m kind of addicted to funding games through Kickstarter. I love that it helps small teams mass-print awesome board games and film amazing movies. It’s also become a thing to crowd-fund video games since Double Fine opened the floodgates. When it comes down to it, crowdfunding has become a convenient way to preorder games while getting some cool shwag in the process. It’s also a good way for us devs to get the word out and gather a community together. I’ve had a fair bit of success with the Rebuild 3 wiki, but I know there are more people out there who want to be a part of making Rebuild 3.
The campaign will be a lot of work, and there are some hitches (like distributing iOS versions). But I’m excited to be a part of the whole crowdfunding deal. More info soon!
Oh – and here are the results of the second Rebuild 3 survey. The most interesting fact was that of the 58% of people who have Steam accounts, a third of them ONLY buy games that are on Steam. And 37% of the (mostly Kongregate) players said they’d rather pirate than buy it when it comes out. Sounds about average to me. :)
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