Rebuild 3: Main menu art

We’re nearing the start of the Rebuild 3 Kickstarter on October 1st! Here’s a sneak preview of yours truly in the campaign video:

I think I sum up the game nicely: “Rebuild is a game about Rebuildenating. Click on things… and then you win”. I may have had too much sun that day.

One of the art pieces I’ll be showing off in the Rebuild 3 Kickstarter campaign is this illustration Adam did for the main menu:


You can see his process here with this timelapse:


Wallpaper versions: 1920×1200 1920×1080 1680×1050 1440×900 1366×768


One response to “Rebuild 3: Main menu art”

  1. xdowns123 Avatar

    Hi guys, fond of your work.
    This season comes many zombie games, i just notice one, it might steal your ideas, names state of decay, many thoughts comes from you, you need to check it up really.