
Taking a picture of Meghan taking…
Originally uploaded by apes_abroad.

We’ve been happily entertaining visitors in the last few months, and although we’ve taken woefully few pictures of the events, happily others have taken some for us. First Alan came for a weekend while he was working in Colorado, then we Stephen flew down for GDC week on the Nokia dime. Both of them had terrible luck with the weather, wherein it rained for nearly the first time since we moved here last fall.

Alan has finished his term in the desert and in March came back to visit with Meghan and the Northways (Mom and Dad). We had beautiful weather and took in an extraordinary number of local sights. At Pier 39 Steven was reminded of growing up near the Santa Cruz boardwalk, which we have still yet to visit ourselves. On Alan’s recommendation we went to see Clarion alley in the Mission which was really something.

A few weeks ago we had a visit from the Moores on their way down to San Diego for a Mexican cruise. I took a few days off to hang out and ride cable cars, etc, and drink “flavored beer” beverages that I am still trying to forget the taste of. It was really good to see them since we’d missed them over Christmas. They pretty much drove through the night there and back so they could see us on the way. Thank you. :)

Next, we’re getting our tickets now to come out to the island in August for James Mark’s wedding, via Seattle so we can see Pete & Leah. Looking forward to it!