Our last weekend in Pochote was crazygoodtimes. So crazy and good in fact that we never had a chance to write about it, and then we got to San Francisco and that was the end of our free time. But here’s how our last weekend in Costa Rica went:
We went to another Rodeo in a small ranching town north of Pochote. I can’t remember the name and of course it’s not on the maps (neither is Pochote for that matter). The entire festival was smaller and more community-based, we went with a bigger group and everybody knew everybody. But the bull riding was more intense, and bloody.
The first rider was running for the walls after getting thrown when his bull caught up and gored him in the back. The guy made it to the wall then collapsed, and the announcer joked that he’d let us know when the funeral would be. At least I assume it was a joke, but the rider didn’t look too healthy as they were rushing him to the medics. The second ride was even worse. The rider was thrown off, then the bull stomped hard on him several times. It was hard to tell how badly he was hit, but it was terrifying to see. When they chased the bulls off the rider jumped up and ran to the walls, then fell over and had to be stretchered off as well. With that tragic start, every ride afterwards seemed life-or-death. Those bulls were furious, much angrier than at the Cobano rodeo. We didn’t miss having drunken tourists running around in the ring with them.
After the rodeo we all went back to the beach in front of Gabe’s and drank the bar out of alcohol once again while watching the stars and our bonfire.
The next afternoon we were working on the deck when an incredible racket started up from the direction of the bar. It was an 8 or so part Cimarrona band that looked and sounded roughly like this. They were the band from the rodeo, playing for their supper right next door. They lent us some instruments and let us play along, and so our last evening in Costa Rica got started early. Kwon-bum brought lobsters and scallops for another amazing feast from the sea. We danced and drank and said our tearful goodbyes late into the night.
We miss our friends in Costa Rica, and we miss the peace and beauty of our little whale bay. Every place we visit is so different and it’s hard to leave each one, but we have to remember that we’d never have discovered Pochote and had such great times there if we’d stopped traveling. So, onward!
Colin and I are having a great time in San Francisco. It was a big adjustment (especially weather-wise) from the beaches of Costa Rica, but seeing all our friends again has made me wonder why we left.
Last month we went to a bizarre concert: Mike Patton and noise-music duo PIVIXKI, consisting of a mad, energetic drummer and an even madder more energetic pianist. But it was the opening act that caught my attention and wouldn’t leave my head.
Bill Gould and Gigante Sound (Jared Blum and Dominic Cramp) opened with music from their new album The Talking Book: a collection of dark and atmospheric soundscapes that were so moving and so amazing to hear live (I was right up front). I kept closing my eyes and could imagine playing Rebuild to the music. It was perfect. I contacted them later in the week and licensed a few songs for the sequel. So, presenting the soundtrack to Rebuild 2:
The Talking Book – Rebuild’s new music
You can hear samples on their site or on Amazon, but the 30-second snippets don’t do it justice. I fell asleep last week after listening to the album and had a vivid dream of a zombie-ridden future.
It was actually quite a sad dream. Most of the people I loved were dead and our chances of survival seemed bleak. I wondered if it was morally right to make light of such horrors, even if they are fictional.
Last week someone released a knockoff of Rebuild for the iPad. When I contacted them, the publisher politely said it was a mistake and took it down immediately, but it reminded me of what’s at stake if I take my time with the sequel (which will come out for iPad as well as Flash).
It also got me thinking about the topic of clone games, which have always bothered me, but I find it hard to pin down exactly what constitutes a clone and why I find them offensive. The conversation tends to gets heated when the topic comes up, but I think it’s important that we talk about it all the same. It’s going to buzz around my brain until I do so I decided to look at some examples and ask some questions.
Rebuild vs Knockoff Rebuild
The Rebuild clone is an extreme case and it’s been taken down, but I’d like to start with it. The gameplay was the same, the art was better but strikingly similar and the events were rewritten in different words. Perfectly legal, except that they named it “Rebuild” which was probably an accident. I think it’s crazy that someone could spend so much effort to produce a beautiful and polished game while skipping the fun part of designing the gameplay. I imagine profit must be the only motive, but I’m not sure. I am sure that it shouldn’t have been legal.
There are good reasons why you can’t copyright gameplay. Gameplay is hard to define, and borrowing ideas from earlier games is an important part of how genres evolve. I agree, it would suck if someone owned the copyright on aiming with a mouse, or levelling-up a character, or if Square Enix could sue you for using the FFVII class system in your vector-based robot platformer. I’m happy anyone can iterate and expand on ideas from other games, but there’s a difference between that and being a total, shameless knockoff.
Clones are like porn: you know it when you see it.
Fantastic Contraption vs Magnificent Gizmos & Gadgets
After Colin wrote Contraption, he started negotiations for an iPhone port with a developer but it fell through when Colin realised the deal they offered was rediculously out of scope with the industry standard. Three months later they released a nearly exact clone of Colin’s game with a pretty graphical makeover, almost beating our real port to the iPhone market (free tip: before you deal with someone see how many outstanding law suits are pending against them). Apple didn’t take it down, but (with our publisher inExile’s help) they did feature us and the clone got buried.
The situation was unusual because Colin new the cloner and suspects they’d already started on the game (as an official Contraption port) before negotiations collapsed. It might have held up in court if it had been worth suing over, but I’m really glad we didn’t have to find out.
Don’t rely on Apple to make any moral decisions regarding knockoffs. They’ll take something off the App Store if it violates copyright, ie if it uses your name or characters or graphics, but they’re slow and don’t reply whether they decide to act or not.
Tetris vs Brick Game
Possibly the most cloned game ever, Tetris, has been beset with copyright problems since the get-go. Knockoffs show up everywhere from naughty versions on xxx sites to “9999 in 1 Russia Brick Game” handhelds at dollar stores. Last month the company that owns Tetris sent Google a DMCA notice regarding 35 games on the Android market which were all promptly removed. Some of them used the word “Tetris” which is unarguably illegal, but many just had similar gameplay.
It’s interesting that this sue-happy company can so easily throw their weight around to enforce copyright on a 30 year old title. I guess the system does work for some people. But I wonder if Tetris is so well known that it should be considered a genre in itself, gameplay in the public domain. Did any of the unauthorized games combine new and interesting concepts with our beloved block game?
FarmTown vs FarmVille
Facebook games all look the same, to someone uninterested in spamming her friends every time she grows a tomato. Talk about shameless mimicry! Consider Zynga‘s multi-billion dollar line of clones: FarmVille, PetVille, Café World, Mafia Wars. They wait for a game to be successful, copy it to a T, then aim their firehose of players at it – ka-ching! They must have a strong sense of irony, because now Zynga’s threatening to sue people for using “-ville” in their game names.
Granted, they’re not the only ones at it, and Zynga is spectacularly good at optimizing games to maximize virality and revenue. Did FarmTown lose money when it got cloned, or did the sudden popularity of farming games bring them new players? Is there room in a player’s feed for two (or three, or four) such similar games?
Minecraft vs Fortresscraft
Microsoft just announced that Minecraft is coming to XBLA. This must be a disappointment to the creators of top-selling XBLIG game FortressCraft, one of the most recent in the genre of “first person multiplayer voxel art mining sandbox roguelikes”. Unlike the owners of Tetris, Notch has no intention of suing, in part because he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on: Minecraft started as a self-admitted clone of Infiniminer (by Zachary Barth, creator of SpaceChem).
You could argue that the world wouldn’t have discovered this new genre if Minecraft hadn’t picked up after Infiniminer was cancelled and iterated on it to make a really great game. On the other hand, the graphical similarities are so obvious it’s embarassing. Barth says he’s flattered that his game design has become so popular, and leaves it at that.
Crush the Castle vs Angry Birds
Angry Birds has been in the App Store top 3 for over a year and has made over 70 million dollars. Apple constantly features the game because it’s in their interest to have fewer, more popular games whose household names might intice people to buy an iPhone or iPad. Few games get into the top 10 and they tend to stay there, which makes developing for the iPhone kind of like playing a slot machine.
As you probably suspected, Angry Birds’ gameplay was copied from a Flash game called Crush The Castle. The difference this time is that Angry Birds used a completely different look, having you whimsically toss suicidal birds at pigs instead of cannonballs at armored men. It feels good, it sound good, and it’s obvious why even our parents are playing this game.
Is it innovation if you just change the setting? I know I wouldn’t have been so miffed at the Rebuild clone if you were fighting aliens on a moon base instead of zombies in an identical looking city.
WaveSpark vs Tiny Wings
In another case of innovation via higher production values, top-selling iPhone game Tiny Wings is far, far more polished than an earlier game WaveSpark which used the same gameplay. WaveSpark was created as part of a project to write a different game every week, and the creator Nathan McCoy didn’t spend a lot of time making it look good. It goes to show that polish pays. So do cute birds.
It seems that’s what players care about, as McCoy’s request for credit was met with jeering at his game’s simple graphics. I’m hesitant to call Tiny Wings a clone, but I’d like to see developers (and fans) give credit to games that inspired theirs. Do they not for fear of being sued?
Desktop Dungeons vs League of Epic Heroes
QCF Design has finally started preorders for Desktop Dungeons, and last week they briefly had a beta version of the game online (I’m bummed I missed it). They’re being secretive for good reason: they’ve been burned before.
They started off releasing alpha versions of the game as they were writing it, incorporating feedback from the community and growing a tidy fan base. Then one such fan released an iPhone game copying Desktop Dungeons’ gameplay right down to the classes and spell names. After months of friendly but fruitless discussions between the two developers, QCF finally brought in their lawyer and spoke publicly about the situation. The cloner relented and graciously took his game down.
He didn’t seem like a bad guy. He just wanted to make a good game, and Desktop Dungeons was a good game. But releasing it before the original was even finished? Ouch.
SimCity vs Rebuild
I’m just kidding about this comparison, but SimCity was one of the inspirations for my game. So was X-Com and zombie movies like 28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead. Like I said, all games borrow from other games and I’m happy they can.
I know I’ve gotten all high and mighty, but there’s a line that gets crossed too often. It just ain’t right, and something needs to change! If the law can’t help and distributors like Apple won’t help, at least players can have an effect by respecting the creators of original gameplay and not buying the knockoffs. Or at least give credit where it’s due and play the original games too.
Colin notes that the real tragedy is that the cloners aren’t just stealing a good idea. They are stealing refined, thought out game design that might have taken years to make work. It takes much less risk to just steal great gameplay and polish up the graphics.
Good thing there will always be foolish indie developers who are more interested in making something cool than simply making money.
I’d already optimized my new Flash game Word Up Dog to run on mobile phones, and used Air to package a version that I could sell in the Android app store. Now for the next challenge: the iPhone.
Shortly after Adobe announced the tools for compiling Flash code into iOS apps, Apple banned the process as part of their ongoing spat with Adobe. Happily they retracted this bit of bs six months later, so we are free to experiment with Air for iOS once more. God knows if we’ll ever view Flash websites on an iPad browser, but this is a start.
Building Air for the iPhone is similar to the Android process, but generating the security certificate requires paying Apple $99 for a developer license (Android is free), then dancing back and forth uploading and downloading files from their website. Although you need a Mac to write iOS apps in Objective-C, you can compile Flash AS3 code into iOS using Mac, Windows, or Linux. I used Windows, along with OpenSSL (instead of Keychain) to generate the security bits, and iTunes (instead of Xcode) to install the app onto my phone.
Here are the steps:
Download the Air 2.6 SDK, paste it into a copy of your Flex SDK directory, and set FlashDevelop to compile using the result
Generate a key by calling openssl genrsa -out SarahNorthway.key 2048
Generate a certificate signing request with openssl req -new -key SarahNorthway.key -out WordDog.certSigningRequest -subj “/emailAddress=youremail@domain.com, CN=Your Name, C=US”
On the Apple website, upload WordDog.certSigningRequest, create a provisioning profile for your iPhone and download WordDog.mobileprovision and developer_identity.cer
Generate a pem file with openssl x509 -in developer_identity.cer -inform DER -out developer_identity.pem -outform PEM
Generate the p12 certificate with openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey SarahNorthway.key -in developer_identity.pem -out WordDog.p12 -passout pass:yourpass
Build your air project to create WordDog.swf
Compile the final ipa file using adt -package -target ipa-app-store -provisioning-profile WordDog.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore WordDog.p12 -storepass yourpass WordDog.ipa application.xml -C . WordDog.swf Default.png iconsFolder (this takes a few minutes)
In iTunes, drag WordDog.mobileprovision and WordDog.ipa into the library
Find your game in the iTunes library apps, drag it onto your phone and sync
Wheuf! A few extra steps and security files in there, but it’s all worth it, so we can sleep safe knowing nobody is installing homebrew apps on their own iPhones without paying Apple first.
Me hard at work… or trying to beat Fate of the World?
Unfortunately Air 2.6 only supports iPhone gen 3 and above, but this is probably for the best considering how much more processor intentive the Flash code seems to be compared to Objective-C code. Word Up Dog runs well on a 2nd gen iPad, but it still drops to 15 fps when moving the map around, so I’m going to have to go back to optimization before I can release it on the app store.
A couple weeks ago I posted looking-for-artist requests on Newgrounds, DeviantArt, TIGSource and FlashGameLicense, and got a couple dozen responses. I was kind of expecting more, seeing as it was a paid contract to work on the sequel to a popular game, and I was surprised at how many of the responders hadn’t even looked at the original game. I did however get a few very exciting responses from people who had played the game and were – bonus – great artists.
I chose EvilKris, creator of the Insanity and Insanity 2 point and click horror games. He works with 3D models and layers of texture to produce some truly dark, creepy images, far more realistic and disturbing than my clean and cutesy vector art from the first game.
EvilKris's character art in progress – the one on the left uses my actual face!
To start with he’s been working on characters and equipment to replace the old faceless stick figures, so you can really see the fear in your scavenger’s eyes as you equip her with a pistol and send her off alone to desperately scrounge for food at an Allmart teeming with the living dead.
Next will be the gory stuff for the zombie attack sequence, which I’ve decided is not going to be a minigame after all. I’m going to spend more time instead expanding the strategic game, adding plot and NPCs, equipment resources, new buildings and new endings. I hope the sequel will have more replayability, but one thing is for certain: it’s going to have a more a darker more engrossing (and also more gross) visual style, which will fit better with the storyline.
In other news, I recently did an email interview with Ethan Moses of HorribleNight.com where I talked a little about my inspiration for the game and the relative merits of zombies vs hive-minded insect aliens.