Author: Sarah Northway

  • Exocolonist Cosplay

    Anemone cosplay by Ellie Amber, directed/edited by LAYER013Photography

    For I Was a Teenage Exocolonist’s release, we partnered with some phenomenally talented cosplayers, including the amazing Ellie Amber featured here dressed as adult Anemone. I was absolutely bowled over with how much creativity and attention to detail went into these costumes.

    Seriously, so beautiful!! Check out Ellie’s making-of process videos on Instagram:

    Anemone cosplay by ellie.amber
    Pauldrons shaping

    Pauldrons painting

    Wig trimming and styling

    Boot details



    Final product!

    Ellie also created a PDF of cut-and-sew patterns for the costume and accessories, right down to Anemone’s scale-armored skin flakes:

    Anemone cosplay patterns
    Anemone cosplay patterns by Ellie Amber

    And there are so many others! This was organized by our friends at Finji and ICO, so each new cosplay post was a delightful surprise to me and the Exo team. Seeing our characters out in the real world is so magical! Many of these creators also posted creation process videos, so scroll through their feeds for more instructions/techniques/mindblowing gorgeousness.

    Behold, more Exocolonist cosplay:

    Clémentine also made (and sent us!!) this gorgeous bobber fruit used in the above video:

    Bobber Fruit by Clémentine Gelly
    Bobber Fruit by Clémentine Gelly (@arborealkey)
    @hiyartist About the game #iwasateenageexocolonist cosplay #utopiacharacter #cosplaycinematic #cinematics #naturalezaincreible ? sonido original – Eva Lara

    @kirapika.cos I LOVE the game ! Go check out this game here : ! #ad #Exocolonist #ExoInspired #cosplay ? som original – ~{Fairy Sky}~

  • I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is out!

    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is officially released today! I started development almost exactly five years ago, and wowowow has the game ever grown up since then!

    I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who supported Exocolonist and helped create it. Artists Meilee Chao, Eduardo Vargas, Sarah Webb, Leanne Roed, Sarah Roland, Diego De la Rocha, and our hundred card artsits for making the game so breathtakingly beautiful. Narrative designer Lindsay Ishihiro for making us laugh, cry, and fall in love with their moving prose. Gord, Em and others from A Shell in the Pit Audio, and all of our incredible musicians, for adding another dimension of wonder and beauty to the game.

    Thanks to my husband Colin Northway for helping with tricky algorithms and game balancing, and for a tremendous amount of emotional support, idea-bouncing and code checks over the last five years.

    Thanks to our publishers Finji, our QA and porting teams, and a very special thank you virtual hug to our incredible beta testers and all of our fans for your support and encouragement. And to my dad, who has logged hundreds of hours living life after life on the planet Vertumna.

    Thank you, friends.

    Growing up in Exocolonist

    Okay enough mushy stuff, it’s release day!

    The team and I have been eagerly waiting to open the gates and invite everyone to come explore our beautiful planet Vertumna. I hope you find it as charming, thrilling, moving, and fun as we do, and I can’t wait to hear what sort of Teenage Exocolonist you’ll be.

    Vertumna awaits!

    – Sarah

    Some plants wave, others bounce

  • The Music of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, soundtrack release August 19th!

    The Music of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, soundtrack release August 19th!

    We’ll be celebrating the release of the official I Was a Teenage Exocolonist soundtrack with a team listening party at 10am PT / 1pm EST / 5pm GMT on August 19th.

    Join us on Youtube to be the first to hear the full album!

    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Original Soundtrack) album art
    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Original Soundtrack) album art by bkomei

    Music to accompany every possible you

    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist begins when you’re an innocent ten-year-old just taking their first steps on a brand new planet, and ends (if you survive!) when you reach age twenty after many trials and harrowing adventures. The mood of the game changes dramatically as your exocolony is plunged into disaster and loss. Some hardships are preventable, others inevitable no matter how many lives you live.

    So it was a challenge to find a soundtrack which could represent that whole spectrum of emotions, and portray all the different people you might become during those ten years: maybe an alien-obsessed bookworm, a brave but pacifist explorer, a high-strung chef, or a kindhearted collector of oddities and odd friends.

    One of thirty possible endings: becoming a rebel
    One of thirty possible endings: becoming a rebel

    Daniel Rosenfeld (aka C418, or “that Minecraft guy”) suggested the best way to represent all these different possible child, teenage, and adult yous would be a soundtrack made by various artists. So with the help of Gordon McGladdery from A Shell in the Pit (who are also doing our audio), I set about recruiting friends and new artists whose style jammed with what I was imagining.

    The result is 27 tracks totaling 2 hours, featuring these 14 artists:

    Gordon McGladdery (A Shell in the Pit)
    Daniel Rosenfeld (C418)
    Shannon Mason (Pongball)
    Andrew Rohrmann (scntfc)
    Gabriel Koenig (Ghost Time Games)
    Kiyoshi Iio (Koku)
    Al Diaz, Rupert Lally and Espen J Jörgensen
    Boris Potschubay (Jogging House)
    Tim Rich (Crooked Walking)
    Jake Gauntlett
    Frances Aravel
    Colin Northway
    Em Halberstadt

    Finding the Style

    It starts with a playlist.

    Music is a social skill that raises your Creativity stat in the game
    Music is a social skill that raises your Creativity stat in the game

    I put together a playlist of inspirations with some of my favorite game soundtracks (Stardew Valley, Wandersong, Jettomero, and yes Minecraft), some ambient electronic artists with heavy synths (Boards of Canada, Jean-Michel Jarre, Hologramme, Home), and some cool instruments (Plaid, Four Tet, Rone, Nine Inch Nails). Plus more tinkly piano, new age (Enya!), Beyonce? and Bulgarian choir to keep things weird.

    Exocolonist is science fiction after all!

    One spooky and melancholy sound I was particularly into was instruments recorded then played backwards, a prompt I gave artists along with the playlist.

    I split the soundtrack into 3 parts:

    1) First half of the game: innocent, bright and optimistic
    2) Second half of the game: moodier, more tense and eerie
    3) Exploration biomes: ambient and naturey

    Some tracks appear throughout both halves of the game to tie it together. They’re all also divided up by season, matching light piano to the glittering peace of Quiet season, and darker synths to the mysterious tension of Glow season.

    The exploration areas where you go to survey, forage or hunt are some of the most beautiful parts of the game, and I felt needed longer more ambient tracks to illustrate how it feels to be away from the bustle of the colony. A friend was discussing modular synths on his stream one day and played a sample of Jogging House‘s YouTube videos:

    Jogging House had this wide array of beautiful musical toys with soothing flashing lights, and usually incorporated some kind of analog tape deck for a touch of static-warble effect. It sounded exactly like a peaceful evening on a bluff overlooking a Vertumnan mushwood forest. I was lucky to license six tracks from him, including this one – Pines – which appears during Wet season and one other special place.

    These tracks were all pre-released by Jogging House through his electronic label Seil Records. I found another synth artist – Crooked Walking – through the label and we were later delighted to find out not only do we live in the same city, but we bumped into each other at a mutual friends’ event. Small world!

    Local Connections

    I met another artist busking here in Vancouver. Kiyoshi Iio (Koku) is no only a talented synth composer, he incorporates acoustic instruments including guitar, didgeridoo, and handpan.

    Handpan is a relatively new instrument that combines cultural traditions from South Asia and the Caribbean and is associated with travellers and boho culture. Much like the people of Exocolonist, who are sort of a multinational hippie commune with a colony ship.

    I think handpan sounds beautiful and ethereal, especially the way Koku plays it. It is a perfect fit for the mysterious beauty of the planet Vertumna.

    Game composer and A Shell in the Pit founder Gordon McGladdery was a big part of the album production, from wrangling contracts and advising on edits to mastering tracks, and he wrote the game’s title track. I was stoked he played some morin khuur for it. A Shell in the Pit also did our audio, and some of Em Halberstadt‘s ambient building hums were so melodic they’re featured on the album too. A Shell in the Pit also composed the soundtrack for Wandersong, Rogue Legacy, and worked on sound for Untitled Goose Game and Night in the Woods.

    You might recognize other artists from game soundtracks too. C418 of course from Minecraft (he’s also working on an unannounced game with Ivy Road). Pongball from Kunai and Road Warriors, scntfc from JETT and Oxenfree, Ghost Time Games from his own games Jettomero and Tux and Fanny, sintecta from GirlJail and other cool experimental jams, and Rupert Lally and Espen J Jörgensen (now collaborating with Al Diaz) from my game Rebuild 3.

    The Finishing Touches

    Jake Gauntlett’s beautiful ambient piano fit right in perfectly with all three parts of the soundtrack. The final track was a tough one though. I was looking for a vocal track to play over the end game sequence and credits, where you find out what path you and your friends’ lives take as adults.

    Scouring new releases on Bandcamp I found Frances Aravel‘s track The Child You Were on her album Shining Out of the Dark. The melancholy lyrics and grungy guitar rock reminded me of my own teens as a 90’s kid. Take a listen and see if you feel it too:

    Lofi Sol
    Lofi Sol

    So join us on YouTube on August 19th at 10am PT / 1pm EST / 5pm GMT to hear the rest of the soundtrack in its entirety, and chat with the devs and musicians. The I Was a Teenage Exocolonist soundtrack will be available to stream or buy starting August 19th on Spotify, Youtube Music, iTunes, Bandcamp, and other music platforms.

    The game is launching on August 25th to Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, Mac, and Linux. Wishlist it today!

  • Exocolonist is coming to the Nintendo Switch!

    Exocolonist is coming to the Nintendo Switch!

    There is a special feeling to seeing one of my games on a new device for the first time.

    I started porting Exo to the Switch over Christmas and it was magical running around, dragging cards, hearing the sounds and music on a device in my hands. I’ve wanted to show you this for so long! Here is me playing the very first working build:

    First time running Exo on the Switch!

    Since then, with the help of Finji QA and 22nd Century Toys, we got it working on the PS4 and PS5 with smooth controls and a bigger more readable UI for all platforms. It looks gorgeous, friends! You’re going to love it on your platform of choice.

    I Was a Teenage Exocolonist will launch on August 25 2022!

    Platforms are (this is the complete list for launch, finally): Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Mac, and Linux. You will find it on Steam,, Humble, and Epic.

  • The art of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, Coming to Steam and Playstation on August 25th, 2022!

    The art of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, Coming to Steam and Playstation on August 25th, 2022!

    Grow up to be a xenofauna rancher, a roboticist, or a rebel with a cause in I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, a card-battling narrative RPG where you live (and die, and re-live) your torrid teenage years in humanity’s first extrasolar colony.

    Coming to Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4 and PS5 on August 25th, 2022!

    One of the themes of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is exploration and discovery. Both exploring the possibilities of your own life and identity as you grow up and decide who you will be, and exploring a lush and wild alien planet. So I knew from early on in development that the art should be beautiful, and that we needed a strong palette color-coded to the planet Vertumna’s changing seasons.

    I met concept artist Sarah Webb at an arts festival where she was showing her comic Kochab, inspired by the beauty of nature in her home of Alaska. Her watercolor style perfectly fit the feel I wanted, to tell the story of people leaving an industrialized Earth behind to return to nature. Artists Meilee Chao, Eduardo Vargas and others deftly picked up this style and brought it to life in the game.

    Running through regions and seasons of the planet Vertumna

    As the narrative expanded and writer Lindsay Ishihiro joined the team (they also drew the creatures!), it was clear that the character art would be key. Romance was an option after all, so these needed to be characters you could imagine like-liking and eventually falling in love with. Mei knocked the character design out of the park, creating an entire culture for the exocolony with clothing that is a mix of space-age and homespun materials.

    I want to own all of their outfits so badly in real life!

    The Kids
    The kids are up to some light mischief

    Since the game takes place over 10 years, your childhood friends needed to age up with you. Although there is a plenty of innocent fun in the early years, Vertumna is a dangerous place, and the colony’s adults can only shield you from that fact for so long. As you get older, difficult and sometimes traumatic events will change both your friends’ personalities and their appearances.

    Anemone age 10-13, 14-16, and 17-19
    Anemone age 10-13, 14-16, and 17-19

    As you decide what to study or where to work, who to befriend, and whether to help the colony, rebel, or find your own way, your memories take the form of cards in the deckbuilding part of the game. Everything from taking a biology test to battling monstrous xenofauna (or running the heck away from them!) is resolved by choosing up to 5 cards to place in order, with bonuses for adjacent matching colors or numbers.

    I’m a big fan of the art in collectible card games like Magic the Gathering, so to add variety we worked with 100 different artists to illustrate over 250 cards. It’s been a ton of fun to see our world and characters through the eyes of all these different artists in their own styles.

    Exocolonist card game
    The cards feature art from over 100 different artists

    Exocolonist’s massive dynamic narrative means you won’t see everything in one life, or even in four or five. And every playthrough will change a little, as memories from past lives trickle in to help or hinder you. Mei has endeavored to illustrate many of the major scenes that could play out, and all the different endings you can reach.

    Strife between Rex and Vace

    No matter where you end up in the game, we hope you have fun! I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is coming to Steam (and Itch, and other stores), PS4 and PS5 on August 25th, 2022. Wishlist it today!