Category: Exocolonist

  • Round five of #100exocards

    Round five of #100exocards

    Cards 40-50 of our guest card illustrations for #100exocards. I love the animals in this one! The innocent bristleslug getting its itchy berries plucked by a not-so-innocent Tangent. That lil caged hopeye in the Traveling Salesman.

    And the fallen rock monster from Felling a Giant! We hadn’t ever drawn it before so it’s neat to have a visual reference for folks in the game now.

    Fifth round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.
    Xeno Wrangling Champion by alienmandy
    The Proverbial Guinea Pig by Lance (artbyvalence)
    A Native Hybrid by Jooyoung Chang
    Leading the East Wall Defense by Tactician Tactless
    Traveling Salesman by PigDemonArt
    Cooking Snapbladder Surprise by Michelle Barros
    Up to the Highest Height by Sean’nell
    Getting Creative by Giulia Biazus
    Genius Deduction by Blue
    Felling a Giant by Eggsy Zhang

  • Round four of #100exocards

    Round four of #100exocards

    We’re still balancing the mechanics of the card game, and there are some bugs to fix (looking at you Pulling Weeds, what is a “non- card”?). And we’re working to tie card flavor to its mechanics and level, especially for unique, hard to get cards at the end of a quest or event chain.

    Fourth round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.
    A Potent Brew by Michel Mims
    Birthed a Floatcow by Shari McConochie
    Sharing is Caring by Luke Ge
    Pulling Weeds by Melissa Peacock
    Cultivating Spongecake by Haveafreakday
    Performing for an Audience by FelineTrickster
    Doing Paperwork by boni
    Goofing Off by Qushung
    Composing a Song by Polina Raspbrrd
    Getting Caught by Lilla

  • Group 3 of #100exocards

    Cards 20-30 of our amazing guest illustrations. Many are one-off rewards for beating challenges or reaching the end of certain story arcs, so even though we have close to 300 cards, you’ll only see 40-60 in each playthrough. These cards are your memories, and every life is different.

    Third round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.
    Flunking a Test by R0ppi
    Boooorriiiiing by Hoo? Its Claire
    Asking an Adult by Rebecca “Mal” Snowden
    Talent Show Champion II by kitsuneten
    Bot Wrestling Champion by GuilhermeRM
    The Mixologist by Gzei
    Surprise Party by Neana
    Up to your Armpits in Mud, by Dannaria
    Singing Your Heart Out by Lars Carrijo
    Sabotaging by Angela Intriago

  • Exocolonist Beta Testers Needed!

    We’ve started the private beta test of I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, and our first playtesters are kicking so much ass! If you’d like to join, swing by the Finji Discord, get your Exocolonist Fan role, and apply to be a tester on the #exocolonist-beta-opt-in channel. We’ll be adding new testers every couple weeks and working together to make this game the best it can be.

    Also stay tuned for beta testing through Steam!

    Second round of Guest-Illustrated Cards

    Tomorrow marks the deadline for the #100exocards month-long art extravaganza! Here are this week’s cards (aka memories) going into the game:

    Second round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.

    Check out those Cals! And that gloriously goopy monster is a snapbladder!

    The Spice Must Flow by jrpgdog
    Working those Muscles by Gabi Toussaint (ElectroHex)
    Camping Outside by Adrien Brégeot
    Working those Muscles II by Vin Werneck
    Making Out by Sita Duncan
    Hurting a Friend by Sarah Mendonça
    Trivia Champion by jubiboon
    Smells Worse Inside by human person
    Smart for my Age by Tim Ross
    Meeting the Overseer by Sariel Snowings

  • First Round of Guest Cards for Exocolonist

    First Round of Guest Cards for Exocolonist

    Last month we put out the call for guest illustrators to collaborate on #100exocards – one hundred cards by one hundred illustrators in their own styles. We received almost 300 applications, and had a very tough time selecting artists.

    We tried to choose a variety of different art styles and diverse artist backgrounds. The artists have been sharing sketches on a private channel of our Discord server, and with the deadline approaching next week, the finished art is starting to roll in.

    Here are the first ten cards!

    First round of guest illustrated cards – credits below.

    They are amazing! I’m already blown away by the art people are sending in. It’s so soul-stirring to see scenes and characters from the game reinterpreted through their eyes. We’ve been working on this game for over 4 years and it’s finally starting to feel real with these.

    And there’s more to come – we’ll be posting 10 a week here for the next couple months and sharing on social media with the hashtag #100exocards.

    Embarrassing Lesson by Paniistaa
    Being a Bully by Bubble Tea Penguin
    Braiding Tammy’s Hair by Georgia Liu
    Bake-off Champion by Jillus
    Tutoring for the Big Test by Agui-chart
    Sym’s Curiosity III by AlePresser
    Stealing Food to Survive by Mélanie Christin
    Hopeye II by geotalon
    Sharpshooting by Sabrina Carlin
    Spying on a Friend by Nísa A. D.